Source code for autobahn.websocket.interfaces

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) typedef int GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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import abc
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Dict

from autobahn.util import public
from autobahn.websocket.types import ConnectionRequest, ConnectionResponse, ConnectingRequest
from autobahn.wamp.types import TransportDetails

__all__ = ('IWebSocketServerChannelFactory',

class IWebSocketClientAgent(abc.ABC):
    Instances implementing this interface create WebSocket

    def open(self, transport_config, options, protocol_class=None):
        Open a new WebSocket connection.

        :param transport_config: the endpoint to connect to. A string
            containing a ws:// or wss:// URI (or a dict containing
            transport configuration?)
        :param options: any relevant options for this connection
            attempt. Can include: headers: a dict() of headers to send,
            anything currently in Factory / setProtocolOptions?
        :returns: a future which fires with a new WebSocketClientProtocol instance
            which has just completed the handshake, or an error.

[docs]@public class IWebSocketServerChannelFactory(abc.ABC): """ WebSocket server protocol factories implement this interface, and create protocol instances which in turn implement """ @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, url=None, protocols=None, server=None, headers=None, externalPort=None): """ :param url: The WebSocket URL this factory is working for, e.g. ``ws://``. For non-TCP transports like pipes or Unix domain sockets, provide ``None``. This will use an implicit URL of ``ws://localhost``. :type url: str :param protocols: List of subprotocols the server supports. The subprotocol used is the first from the list of subprotocols announced by the client that is contained in this list. :type protocols: list of str :param server: Server as announced in HTTP response header during opening handshake. :type server: str :param headers: An optional mapping of additional HTTP headers to send during the WebSocket opening handshake. :type headers: dict :param externalPort: Optionally, the external visible port this server will be reachable under (i.e. when running behind a L2/L3 forwarding device). :type externalPort: int """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def setSessionParameters(self, url=None, protocols=None, server=None, headers=None, externalPort=None): """ Set WebSocket session parameters. :param url: The WebSocket URL this factory is working for, e.g. ``ws://``. For non-TCP transports like pipes or Unix domain sockets, provide ``None``. This will use an implicit URL of ``ws://localhost``. :type url: str :param protocols: List of subprotocols the server supports. The subprotocol used is the first from the list of subprotocols announced by the client that is contained in this list. :type protocols: list of str :param server: Server as announced in HTTP response header during opening handshake. :type server: str :param headers: An optional mapping of additional HTTP headers to send during the WebSocket opening handshake. :type headers: dict :param externalPort: Optionally, the external visible port this server will be reachable under (i.e. when running behind a L2/L3 forwarding device). :type externalPort: int """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def setProtocolOptions(self, versions=None, webStatus=None, utf8validateIncoming=None, maskServerFrames=None, requireMaskedClientFrames=None, applyMask=None, maxFramePayloadSize=None, maxMessagePayloadSize=None, autoFragmentSize=None, failByDrop=None, echoCloseCodeReason=None, openHandshakeTimeout=None, closeHandshakeTimeout=None, tcpNoDelay=None, perMessageCompressionAccept=None, autoPingInterval=None, autoPingTimeout=None, autoPingSize=None, serveFlashSocketPolicy=None, flashSocketPolicy=None, allowedOrigins=None, allowNullOrigin=False, maxConnections=None, trustXForwardedFor=0): """ Set WebSocket protocol options used as defaults for new protocol instances. :param versions: The WebSocket protocol versions accepted by the server (default: :func:`autobahn.websocket.protocol.WebSocketProtocol.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS`). :type versions: list of ints or None :param webStatus: Return server status/version on HTTP/GET without WebSocket upgrade header (default: `True`). :type webStatus: bool or None :param utf8validateIncoming: Validate incoming UTF-8 in text message payloads (default: `True`). :type utf8validateIncoming: bool or None :param maskServerFrames: Mask server-to-client frames (default: `False`). :type maskServerFrames: bool or None :param requireMaskedClientFrames: Require client-to-server frames to be masked (default: `True`). :type requireMaskedClientFrames: bool or None :param applyMask: Actually apply mask to payload when mask it present. Applies for outgoing and incoming frames (default: `True`). :type applyMask: bool or None :param maxFramePayloadSize: Maximum frame payload size that will be accepted when receiving or `0` for unlimited (default: `0`). :type maxFramePayloadSize: int or None :param maxMessagePayloadSize: Maximum message payload size (after reassembly of fragmented messages) that will be accepted when receiving or `0` for unlimited (default: `0`). :type maxMessagePayloadSize: int or None :param autoFragmentSize: Automatic fragmentation of outgoing data messages (when using the message-based API) into frames with payload length `<=` this size or `0` for no auto-fragmentation (default: `0`). :type autoFragmentSize: int or None :param failByDrop: Fail connections by dropping the TCP connection without performing closing handshake (default: `True`). :type failByDrop: bool or None :param echoCloseCodeReason: Iff true, when receiving a close, echo back close code/reason. Otherwise reply with `code == 1000, reason = ""` (default: `False`). :type echoCloseCodeReason: bool or None :param openHandshakeTimeout: Opening WebSocket handshake timeout, timeout in seconds or `0` to deactivate (default: `0`). :type openHandshakeTimeout: float or None :param closeHandshakeTimeout: When we expect to receive a closing handshake reply, timeout in seconds (default: `1`). :type closeHandshakeTimeout: float or None :param tcpNoDelay: TCP NODELAY ("Nagle") socket option (default: `True`). :type tcpNoDelay: bool or None :param perMessageCompressionAccept: Acceptor function for offers. :type perMessageCompressionAccept: callable or None :param autoPingInterval: Automatically send WebSocket pings every given seconds. When the peer does not respond in `autoPingTimeout`, drop the connection. Set to `0` to disable. (default: `0`). :type autoPingInterval: float or None :param autoPingTimeout: Wait this many seconds for the peer to respond to automatically sent pings. If the peer does not respond in time, drop the connection. Set to `0` to disable. (default: `0`). :type autoPingTimeout: float or None :param autoPingSize: Payload size for automatic pings/pongs. Must be an integer from `[12, 125]`. (default: `12`). :type autoPingSize: int or None :param serveFlashSocketPolicy: Serve the Flash Socket Policy when we receive a policy file request on this protocol. (default: `False`). :type serveFlashSocketPolicy: bool or None :param flashSocketPolicy: The flash socket policy to be served when we are serving the Flash Socket Policy on this protocol and when Flash tried to connect to the destination port. It must end with a null character. :type flashSocketPolicy: str or None :param allowedOrigins: A list of allowed WebSocket origins (with '*' as a wildcard character). :type allowedOrigins: list or None :param allowNullOrigin: if True, allow WebSocket connections whose `Origin:` is `"null"`. :type allowNullOrigin: bool :param maxConnections: Maximum number of concurrent connections. Set to `0` to disable (default: `0`). :type maxConnections: int or None :param trustXForwardedFor: Number of trusted web servers in front of this server that add their own X-Forwarded-For header (default: `0`) :type trustXForwardedFor: int """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def resetProtocolOptions(self): """ Reset all WebSocket protocol options to defaults. """
[docs]@public class IWebSocketClientChannelFactory(abc.ABC): """ WebSocket client protocol factories implement this interface, and create protocol instances which in turn implement """ @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, url=None, origin=None, protocols=None, useragent=None, headers=None, proxy=None): """ Note that you MUST provide URL either here or set using :meth:`autobahn.websocket.WebSocketClientFactory.setSessionParameters` *before* the factory is started. :param url: WebSocket URL this factory will connect to, e.g. ``ws://``. For non-TCP transports like pipes or Unix domain sockets, provide ``None``. This will use an implicit URL of ``ws://localhost``. :type url: str :param origin: The origin to be sent in WebSocket opening handshake or None (default: `None`). :type origin: str :param protocols: List of subprotocols the client should announce in WebSocket opening handshake (default: `[]`). :type protocols: list of strings :param useragent: User agent as announced in HTTP request header or None (default: `AutobahnWebSocket/?.?.?`). :type useragent: str :param headers: An optional mapping of additional HTTP headers to send during the WebSocket opening handshake. :type headers: dict :param proxy: Explicit proxy server to use; a dict with ``host`` and ``port`` keys :type proxy: dict or None """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def setSessionParameters(self, url=None, origin=None, protocols=None, useragent=None, headers=None, proxy=None): """ Set WebSocket session parameters. :param url: WebSocket URL this factory will connect to, e.g. `ws://`. For non-TCP transports like pipes or Unix domain sockets, provide `None`. This will use an implicit URL of `ws://localhost`. :type url: str :param origin: The origin to be sent in opening handshake. :type origin: str :param protocols: List of WebSocket subprotocols the client should announce in opening handshake. :type protocols: list of strings :param useragent: User agent as announced in HTTP request header during opening handshake. :type useragent: str :param headers: An optional mapping of additional HTTP headers to send during the WebSocket opening handshake. :type headers: dict :param proxy: (Optional) a dict with ``host`` and ``port`` keys specifying a proxy to use :type proxy: dict or None """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def setProtocolOptions(self, version=None, utf8validateIncoming=None, acceptMaskedServerFrames=None, maskClientFrames=None, applyMask=None, maxFramePayloadSize=None, maxMessagePayloadSize=None, autoFragmentSize=None, failByDrop=None, echoCloseCodeReason=None, serverConnectionDropTimeout=None, openHandshakeTimeout=None, closeHandshakeTimeout=None, tcpNoDelay=None, perMessageCompressionOffers=None, perMessageCompressionAccept=None, autoPingInterval=None, autoPingTimeout=None, autoPingSize=None): """ Set WebSocket protocol options used as defaults for _new_ protocol instances. :param version: The WebSocket protocol spec (draft) version to be used (default: :func:`autobahn.websocket.protocol.WebSocketProtocol.SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS`). :type version: int :param utf8validateIncoming: Validate incoming UTF-8 in text message payloads (default: `True`). :type utf8validateIncoming: bool :param acceptMaskedServerFrames: Accept masked server-to-client frames (default: `False`). :type acceptMaskedServerFrames: bool :param maskClientFrames: Mask client-to-server frames (default: `True`). :type maskClientFrames: bool :param applyMask: Actually apply mask to payload when mask it present. Applies for outgoing and incoming frames (default: `True`). :type applyMask: bool :param maxFramePayloadSize: Maximum frame payload size that will be accepted when receiving or `0` for unlimited (default: `0`). :type maxFramePayloadSize: int :param maxMessagePayloadSize: Maximum message payload size (after reassembly of fragmented messages) that will be accepted when receiving or `0` for unlimited (default: `0`). :type maxMessagePayloadSize: int :param autoFragmentSize: Automatic fragmentation of outgoing data messages (when using the message-based API) into frames with payload length `<=` this size or `0` for no auto-fragmentation (default: `0`). :type autoFragmentSize: int :param failByDrop: Fail connections by dropping the TCP connection without performing closing handshake (default: `True`). :type failByDrop: bool :param echoCloseCodeReason: Iff true, when receiving a close, echo back close code/reason. Otherwise reply with `code == 1000, reason = ""` (default: `False`). :type echoCloseCodeReason: bool :param serverConnectionDropTimeout: When the client expects the server to drop the TCP, timeout in seconds (default: `1`). :type serverConnectionDropTimeout: float :param openHandshakeTimeout: Opening WebSocket handshake timeout, timeout in seconds or `0` to deactivate (default: `0`). :type openHandshakeTimeout: float :param closeHandshakeTimeout: When we expect to receive a closing handshake reply, timeout in seconds (default: `1`). :type closeHandshakeTimeout: float :param tcpNoDelay: TCP NODELAY ("Nagle"): bool socket option (default: `True`). :type tcpNoDelay: bool :param perMessageCompressionOffers: A list of offers to provide to the server for the permessage-compress WebSocket extension. Must be a list of instances of subclass of PerMessageCompressOffer. :type perMessageCompressionOffers: list of instance of subclass of PerMessageCompressOffer :param perMessageCompressionAccept: Acceptor function for responses. :type perMessageCompressionAccept: callable :param autoPingInterval: Automatically send WebSocket pings every given seconds. When the peer does not respond in `autoPingTimeout`, drop the connection. Set to `0` to disable. (default: `0`). :type autoPingInterval: float or None :param autoPingTimeout: Wait this many seconds for the peer to respond to automatically sent pings. If the peer does not respond in time, drop the connection. Set to `0` to disable. (default: `0`). :type autoPingTimeout: float or None :param autoPingSize: Payload size for automatic pings/pongs. Must be an integer from `[12, 125]`. (default: `12`). :type autoPingSize: int """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def resetProtocolOptions(self): """ Reset all WebSocket protocol options to defaults. """
[docs]@public class IWebSocketChannel(abc.ABC): """ A WebSocket channel is a bidirectional, full-duplex, ordered, reliable message channel over a WebSocket connection as specified in RFC6455. This interface defines a message-based API to WebSocket plus auxiliary hooks and methods. When a WebSocket connection is established, the following callbacks are fired: * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.onConnecting`: Transport bytestream open * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.onConnect`: WebSocket handshake * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.onOpen`: WebSocket connection open Once a WebSocket connection is open, messages can be sent and received using: * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.sendMessage` * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.onMessage` The WebSocket connection can be closed and closing observed using: * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.sendClose` * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.onClose` Finally, WebSocket ping/pong messages * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.sendPing` * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.onPing` * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.sendPong` * :meth:`IWebSocketChannel.onPong` which are used for e.g. for heart-beating. """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def onConnecting(self, transport_details: TransportDetails) -> Optional[ConnectingRequest]: """ This method is called when the WebSocket peer is connected at the byte stream level (e.g. TCP, TLS or Serial), but before the WebSocket opening handshake (e.g. at the HTTP request level). :param transport_details: information about the transport. :returns: A :class:`autobahn.websocket.types.ConnectingRequest` instance is returned to indicate which options should be used for this connection. If you wish to use the default behavior, ``None`` may be returned (this is the default). """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def onConnect(self, request_or_response: Union[ConnectionRequest, ConnectionResponse]) -> \ Union[Optional[str], Tuple[Optional[str], Dict[str, str]]]: """ Callback fired during WebSocket opening handshake when a client connects to a server with request with a :class:`ConnectionRequest` from the client or when a server connection was established by a client with a :class:`ConnectionResponse` response from the server. *This method may run asynchronously.* :param request_or_response: Connection request (for servers) or response (for clients). :type request_or_response: Instance of :class:`autobahn.websocket.types.ConnectionRequest` or :class:`autobahn.websocket.types.ConnectionResponse`. :returns: When this callback is fired on a WebSocket **server**, you may return one of: ``None``: the connection is accepted with no specific WebSocket subprotocol, ``str``: the connection is accepted with the returned name as the WebSocket subprotocol, or ``(str, dict)``: a pair of subprotocol accepted and HTTP headers to send to the client. When this callback is fired on a WebSocket **client**, this method must return ``None``. To deny a connection (client and server), raise an Exception. You can also return a Deferred/Future that resolves/rejects to the above. """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def onOpen(self): """ Callback fired when the initial WebSocket opening handshake was completed. You now can send and receive WebSocket messages. *This method may run asynchronously.* """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def sendMessage(self, payload: bytes, isBinary: bool): """ Send a WebSocket message over the connection to the peer. :param payload: The WebSocket message to be sent. :param isBinary: Flag indicating whether payload is binary or UTF-8 encoded text. """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def onMessage(self, payload: bytes, isBinary: bool): """ Callback fired when a complete WebSocket message was received. *This method may run asynchronously.* :param payload: The WebSocket message received. :param isBinary: Flag indicating whether payload is binary or UTF-8 encoded text. """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def sendClose(self, code: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None): """ Starts a WebSocket closing handshake tearing down the WebSocket connection. :param code: An optional close status code (``1000`` for normal close or ``3000-4999`` for application specific close). :param reason: An optional close reason (a string that when present, a status code MUST also be present). """
[docs] @public @abc.abstractmethod def onClose(self, wasClean: bool, code: int, reason: str): """ Callback fired when the WebSocket connection has been closed (WebSocket closing handshake has been finished or the connection was closed uncleanly). :param wasClean: ``True`` iff the WebSocket connection was closed cleanly. :param code: Close status code as sent by the WebSocket peer. :param reason: Close reason as sent by the WebSocket peer. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sendPing(self, payload: Optional[bytes] = None): """ Send a WebSocket ping to the peer. A peer is expected to pong back the payload a soon as "practical". When more than one ping is outstanding at a peer, the peer may elect to respond only to the last ping. :param payload: An (optional) arbitrary payload of length **less than 126** octets. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def onPing(self, payload: bytes): """ Callback fired when a WebSocket ping was received. A default implementation responds by sending a WebSocket pong. :param payload: Payload of ping (when there was any). Can be arbitrary, up to `125` octets. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sendPong(self, payload: Optional[bytes] = None): """ Send a WebSocket pong to the peer. A WebSocket pong may be sent unsolicited. This serves as a unidirectional heartbeat. A response to an unsolicited pong is "not expected". :param payload: An (optional) arbitrary payload of length < 126 octets. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def onPong(self, payload: bytes): """ Callback fired when a WebSocket pong was received. A default implementation does nothing. :param payload: Payload of pong (when there was any). Can be arbitrary, up to 125 octets. """
[docs]class IWebSocketChannelFrameApi(IWebSocketChannel): """ Frame-based API to a WebSocket channel. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageBegin(self, isBinary: bool): """ Callback fired when receiving of a new WebSocket message has begun. :param isBinary: ``True`` if payload is binary, else the payload is UTF-8 encoded text. :type isBinary: bool """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageFrame(self, payload: bytes): """ Callback fired when a complete WebSocket message frame for a previously begun WebSocket message has been received. :param payload: Message frame payload (a list of chunks received). :type payload: list of bytes """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageEnd(self): """ Callback fired when a WebSocket message has been completely received (the last WebSocket frame for that message has been received). """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def beginMessage(self, isBinary: bool = False, doNotCompress: bool = False): """ Begin sending a new WebSocket message. :param isBinary: ``True`` if payload is binary, else the payload must be UTF-8 encoded text. :type isBinary: bool :param doNotCompress: If ``True``, never compress this message. This only applies to Hybi-Mode and only when WebSocket compression has been negotiated on the WebSocket connection. Use when you know the payload incompressible (e.g. encrypted or already compressed). :type doNotCompress: bool """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sendMessageFrame(self, payload: bytes, sync: bool = False): """ When a message has been previously begun, send a complete message frame in one go. :param payload: The message frame payload. When sending a text message, the payload must be UTF-8 encoded already. :type payload: bytes :param sync: If ``True``, try to force data onto the wire immediately.S .. warning:: Do NOT use this feature for normal applications. Performance likely will suffer significantly. This feature is mainly here for use by Autobahn|Testsuite. :type sync: bool """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def endMessage(self): """ End a message previously begun message. No more frames may be sent (for that message). You have to begin a new message before sending again. """
[docs]class IWebSocketChannelStreamingApi(IWebSocketChannelFrameApi): """ Streaming API to a WebSocket channel. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageFrameBegin(self, length: int): """ Callback fired when receiving a new message frame has begun. A default implementation will prepare to buffer message frame data. :param length: Payload length of message frame which is subsequently received. :type length: int """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageFrameData(self, payload: bytes): """ Callback fired when receiving data within a previously begun message frame. A default implementation will buffer data for frame. :param payload: Partial payload for message frame. :type payload: bytes """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def onMessageFrameEnd(self): """ Callback fired when a previously begun message frame has been completely received. A default implementation will flatten the buffered frame data and fire `onMessageFrame`. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def beginMessageFrame(self, length: int): """ Begin sending a new message frame. :param length: Length of the frame which is to be started. Must be less or equal **2^63**. :type length: int """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sendMessageFrameData(self, payload: bytes, sync: bool = False): """ Send out data when within a message frame (message was begun, frame was begun). Note that the frame is automatically ended when enough data has been sent. In other words, there is no ``endMessageFrame``, since you have begun the frame specifying the frame length, which implicitly defined the frame end. This is different from messages, which you begin *and* end explicitly , since a message can contain an unlimited number of frames. :param payload: Frame payload to send. :type payload: bytes :param sync: If ``True``, try to force data onto the wire immediately. .. warning:: Do NOT use this feature for normal applications. Performance likely will suffer significantly. This feature is mainly here for use by Autobahn|Testsuite. :type sync: bool :returns: When the currently sent message frame is still incomplete, returns octets remaining to be sent. When the frame is complete, returns **0**. Otherwise the amount of unconsumed data in payload argument is returned. :rtype: int """