XBR Programming

Autobahn comes with built-in support for XBR. This chapter contains documentation of writing XBR buyers and sellers in Python using Autobahn.

On-chain XBR smart contracts

The root anchor of the XBR network is a set of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The contracts are written in Solidity and published as open-source on GitHub.

To talk to the XBR smart contracts on the blockchain, you need two things:

  1. the XBR smart contract addresses and

  2. the XBR smart contract ABI files (JSON)

Both of which are built into the Autobahn library.

While you can use just the raw addresses and ABI blobs contained in Autobahn, and use whatever way and form to talk directly to the blockchain fully on your own, Autobahn also provides a convenient blockchain client with specific functions directly supporting XBR.

Here is a complete example blockchain client:

import argparse
from binascii import a2b_hex, b2a_hex
from autobahn import xbr
from twisted.internet.task import react
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks

def main(reactor, gateway, adr):
    sbc = xbr.SimpleBlockchain(gateway)
    yield sbc.start()

    print('status for address 0x{}:'.format(b2a_hex(adr).decode()))

    # get ETH and XBR account balances for address
    balances = yield sbc.get_balances(adr)
    print('balances: {}'.format(balances))

    # get XBR network membership status for address
    member_status = yield sbc.get_member_status(adr)
    print('member status: {}'.format(member_status))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

                        help='Ethereum HTTP gateway URL or None for auto-select.')

                        help='Ethereum address to lookup.')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    react(main, (args.gateway, a2b_hex(args.adr[2:],)))

Here is example output of above program with two different addresses, only one being a member, and with different balances of ETH and XBR.

connected to network 5777 at provider "http://localhost:1545"
status for address 0x90f8bf6a479f320ead074411a4b0e7944ea8c9c1:
balances: {'ETH': 9999866871000000000000, 'XBR': 1000000000000000000000000000}
member status: None

connected to network 5777 at provider "http://localhost:1545"
status for address 0xffcf8fdee72ac11b5c542428b35eef5769c409f0:
balances: {'ETH': 9999999999999999625429, 'XBR': 0}
member status: {'eula': 'QmU7Gizbre17x6V2VR1Q2GJEjz6m8S1bXmBtVxS2vmvb81', 'profile': None}

Using the ABI files

To directly use the embedded ABI files:

import json
import pkg_resources
from pprint import pprint

with open(pkg_resources.resource_filename('xbr', 'contracts/XBRToken.json')) as f:
    data = json.loads(f.read())
    abi = data['abi']

Data stored on-chain

See the XBRNetwork contract:

/// Current XBR Network members ("member directory").
mapping(address => Member) private members;

/// Current XBR Domains ("domain directory")
mapping(bytes16 => Domain) private domains;

/// Current XBR Nodes ("node directory");
mapping(bytes16 => Node) private nodes;

/// Index: node public key => (market ID, node ID)
mapping(bytes32 => bytes16) private nodesByKey;

/// Current XBR Markets ("market directory")
mapping(bytes16 => Market) private markets;

/// Index: maker address => market ID
mapping(address => bytes16) private marketsByMaker;


Autobahn includes a “simple buyer” for use in buyer delegate user services which is able to automatically quote and buy data encryption keys via the market maker from sellers in a market.

The simple buyer operates in the background and automatically buys keys on demand, as the user calls “unwrap(ciphertext)” on received XBR encrypted application payload.

Here is a complete example buyer:

import binascii
import os

from autobahn.twisted.component import Component, run
from autobahn.xbr import SimpleBuyer
from autobahn.wamp.types import SubscribeOptions

comp = Component(
    transports=os.environ.get('XBR_INSTANCE', 'wss://continental2.crossbario.com/ws'),
    realm=os.environ.get('XBR_REALM', 'realm1'),
        'market_maker_adr': os.environ.get('XBR_MARKET_MAKER_ADR',
        'buyer_privkey': os.environ.get('XBR_BUYER_PRIVKEY',

async def joined(session, details):
    print('Buyer session joined', details)

    market_maker_adr = binascii.a2b_hex(session.config.extra['market_maker_adr'][2:])
    print('Using market maker adr:', session.config.extra['market_maker_adr'])

    buyer_privkey = binascii.a2b_hex(session.config.extra['buyer_privkey'])

    buyer = SimpleBuyer(market_maker_adr, buyer_privkey, 100)
    balance = await buyer.start(session, details.authid)
    print("Remaining balance={}".format(balance))

    async def on_event(key_id, enc_ser, ciphertext, details=None):
        payload = await buyer.unwrap(key_id, enc_ser, ciphertext)
        print('Received event {}:'.format(details.publication), payload)

    await session.subscribe(on_event, "io.crossbar.example",

if __name__ == '__main__':


Autobahn includes a “simple seller” for use in seller delegate user services which is able to automatically offer and sell data encryption keys via the market maker to buyers in a market.

Here is a complete example seller:

import binascii
import os
from time import sleep
from uuid import UUID

from autobahn.twisted.component import Component, run
from autobahn.twisted.util import sleep
from autobahn.wamp.types import PublishOptions
from autobahn.xbr import SimpleSeller

comp = Component(
    transports=os.environ.get('XBR_INSTANCE', 'wss://continental2.crossbario.com/ws'),
    realm=os.environ.get('XBR_REALM', 'realm1'),
        'market_maker_adr': os.environ.get('XBR_MARKET_MAKER_ADR',
        'seller_privkey': os.environ.get('XBR_SELLER_PRIVKEY',

running = False

async def joined(session, details):
    print('Seller session joined', details)
    global running
    running = True

    market_maker_adr = binascii.a2b_hex(session.config.extra['market_maker_adr'][2:])
    print('Using market maker adr:', session.config.extra['market_maker_adr'])

    seller_privkey = binascii.a2b_hex(session.config.extra['seller_privkey'])

    api_id = UUID('627f1b5c-58c2-43b1-8422-a34f7d3f5a04').bytes
    topic = 'io.crossbar.example'
    counter = 1

    seller = SimpleSeller(market_maker_adr, seller_privkey)
    seller.add(api_id, topic, 35, 10, None)
    await seller.start(session)

    print('Seller has started')

    while running:
        payload = {'data': 'py-seller', 'counter': counter}
        key_id, enc_ser, ciphertext = await seller.wrap(api_id,
        pub = await session.publish(topic, key_id, enc_ser, ciphertext,

        print('Published event {}: {}'.format(pub.id, payload))

        counter += 1
        await sleep(1)

def left(session, details):
    print('Seller session left', details)
    global running
    running = False

if __name__ == '__main__':