Source code for autobahn.wamp.serializer

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) typedef int GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import os
import re
import struct
import platform
import math
import decimal
from binascii import b2a_hex, a2b_hex
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple

from txaio import time_ns
from autobahn.wamp.interfaces import IObjectSerializer, ISerializer, IMessage
from autobahn.wamp.exception import ProtocolError
from autobahn.wamp import message

# note: __all__ must be a list here, since we dynamically
# extend it depending on availability of more serializers
__all__ = ['Serializer',


[docs]class Serializer(object): """ Base class for WAMP serializers. A WAMP serializer is the core glue between parsed WAMP message objects and the bytes on wire (the transport). """ RATED_MESSAGE_SIZE = 512 """ Serialized WAMP message payload size per rated WAMP message. """ # WAMP defines the following 24 message types MESSAGE_TYPE_MAP = { message.Hello.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Hello, message.Welcome.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Welcome, message.Abort.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Abort, message.Challenge.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Challenge, message.Authenticate.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Authenticate, message.Goodbye.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Goodbye, message.Error.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Error, message.Publish.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Publish, message.Published.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Published, message.Subscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Subscribe, message.Subscribed.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Subscribed, message.Unsubscribe.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Unsubscribe, message.Unsubscribed.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Unsubscribed, message.Event.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Event, message.EventReceived.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.EventReceived, message.Call.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Call, message.Cancel.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Cancel, message.Result.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Result, message.Register.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Register, message.Registered.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Registered, message.Unregister.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Unregister, message.Unregistered.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Unregistered, message.Invocation.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Invocation, message.Interrupt.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Interrupt, message.Yield.MESSAGE_TYPE: message.Yield } """ Mapping of WAMP message type codes to WAMP message classes. """ def __init__(self, serializer): """ :param serializer: The object serializer to use for WAMP wire-level serialization. :type serializer: An object that implements :class:`autobahn.interfaces.IObjectSerializer`. """ self._serializer = serializer self._stats_reset = time_ns() self._stats_cycle = 0 self._serialized_bytes = 0 self._serialized_messages = 0 self._serialized_rated_messages = 0 self._unserialized_bytes = 0 self._unserialized_messages = 0 self._unserialized_rated_messages = 0 self._autoreset_rated_messages = None self._autoreset_duration = None self._autoreset_callback = None
[docs] def stats_reset(self): """ Get serializer statistics: timestamp when statistics were last reset. :return: Last reset time of statistics (UTC, ns since Unix epoch) :rtype: int """ return self._stats_reset
[docs] def stats_bytes(self): """ Get serializer statistics: bytes (serialized + unserialized). :return: Number of bytes. :rtype: int """ return self._serialized_bytes + self._unserialized_bytes
[docs] def stats_messages(self): """ Get serializer statistics: messages (serialized + unserialized). :return: Number of messages. :rtype: int """ return self._serialized_messages + self._unserialized_messages
[docs] def stats_rated_messages(self): """ Get serializer statistics: rated messages (serialized + unserialized). :return: Number of rated messages. :rtype: int """ return self._serialized_rated_messages + self._unserialized_rated_messages
[docs] def set_stats_autoreset(self, rated_messages, duration, callback, reset_now=False): """ Configure a user callback invoked when accumulated stats hit specified threshold. When the specified number of rated messages have been processed or the specified duration has passed, statistics are automatically reset, and the last statistics is provided to the user callback. :param rated_messages: Number of rated messages that should trigger an auto-reset. :type rated_messages: int :param duration: Duration in ns that when passed will trigger an auto-reset. :type duration: int :param callback: User callback to be invoked when statistics are auto-reset. The function will be invoked with a single positional argument: the accumulated statistics before the reset. :type callback: callable """ assert(rated_messages is None or type(rated_messages) == int) assert(duration is None or type(duration) == int) assert(rated_messages or duration) assert(callable(callback)) self._autoreset_rated_messages = rated_messages self._autoreset_duration = duration self._autoreset_callback = callback # maybe auto-reset and trigger user callback .. if self._autoreset_callback and reset_now: stats = self.stats(reset=True) self._autoreset_callback(stats) return stats
[docs] def stats(self, reset=True, details=False): """ Get (and reset) serializer statistics. :param reset: If ``True``, reset the serializer statistics. :type reset: bool :param details: If ``True``, return detailed statistics split up by serialization/unserialization. :type details: bool :return: Serializer statistics, eg: .. code-block:: json { "timestamp": 1574156576688704693, "duration": 34000000000, "bytes": 0, "messages": 0, "rated_messages": 0 } :rtype: dict """ assert(type(reset) == bool) assert(type(details) == bool) self._stats_cycle += 1 if details: data = { 'cycle': self._stats_cycle, 'serializer': self.SERIALIZER_ID, 'timestamp': self._stats_reset, 'duration': time_ns() - self._stats_reset, 'serialized': { 'bytes': self._serialized_bytes, 'messages': self._serialized_messages, 'rated_messages': self._serialized_rated_messages, }, 'unserialized': { 'bytes': self._unserialized_bytes, 'messages': self._unserialized_messages, 'rated_messages': self._unserialized_rated_messages, } } else: data = { 'cycle': self._stats_cycle, 'serializer': self.SERIALIZER_ID, 'timestamp': self._stats_reset, 'duration': time_ns() - self._stats_reset, 'bytes': self._serialized_bytes + self._unserialized_bytes, 'messages': self._serialized_messages + self._unserialized_messages, 'rated_messages': self._serialized_rated_messages + self._unserialized_rated_messages, } if reset: self._serialized_bytes = 0 self._serialized_messages = 0 self._serialized_rated_messages = 0 self._unserialized_bytes = 0 self._unserialized_messages = 0 self._unserialized_rated_messages = 0 self._stats_reset = time_ns() return data
[docs] def serialize(self, msg: IMessage) -> Tuple[bytes, bool]: """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISerializer.serialize` """ data, is_binary = msg.serialize(self._serializer), self._serializer.BINARY # maintain statistics for serialized WAMP message data self._serialized_bytes += len(data) self._serialized_messages += 1 self._serialized_rated_messages += int(math.ceil(float(len(data)) / self.RATED_MESSAGE_SIZE)) # maybe auto-reset and trigger user callback .. if self._autoreset_callback and ((self._autoreset_duration and (time_ns() - self._stats_reset) >= self._autoreset_duration) or (self._autoreset_rated_messages and self.stats_rated_messages() >= self._autoreset_rated_messages)): stats = self.stats(reset=True) self._autoreset_callback(stats) return data, is_binary
[docs] def unserialize(self, payload: bytes, isBinary: Optional[bool] = None) -> List[IMessage]: """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISerializer.unserialize` """ if isBinary is not None: if isBinary != self._serializer.BINARY: raise ProtocolError( "invalid serialization of WAMP message (binary {0}, but expected {1})".format(isBinary, self._serializer.BINARY)) try: raw_msgs = self._serializer.unserialize(payload) except Exception as e: raise ProtocolError("invalid serialization of WAMP message: {0} {1}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) if self._serializer.NAME == 'flatbuffers': msgs = raw_msgs else: msgs = [] for raw_msg in raw_msgs: if type(raw_msg) != list: raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for WAMP message".format(type(raw_msg))) if len(raw_msg) == 0: raise ProtocolError("missing message type in WAMP message") message_type = raw_msg[0] if type(message_type) != int: raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for WAMP message type".format(type(message_type))) Klass = self.MESSAGE_TYPE_MAP.get(message_type) if Klass is None: raise ProtocolError("invalid WAMP message type {0}".format(message_type)) # this might again raise `ProtocolError` .. msg = Klass.parse(raw_msg) msgs.append(msg) # maintain statistics for unserialized WAMP message data self._unserialized_bytes += len(payload) self._unserialized_messages += len(msgs) self._unserialized_rated_messages += int(math.ceil(float(len(payload)) / self.RATED_MESSAGE_SIZE)) # maybe auto-reset and trigger user callback .. if self._autoreset_callback and ((self._autoreset_duration and (time_ns() - self._stats_reset) >= self._autoreset_duration) or (self._autoreset_rated_messages and self.stats_rated_messages() >= self._autoreset_rated_messages)): stats = self.stats(reset=True) self._autoreset_callback(stats) return msgs
# JSON serialization is always supported _USE_UJSON = 'AUTOBAHN_USE_UJSON' in os.environ if _USE_UJSON: try: import ujson _USE_UJSON = True except ImportError: import json _USE_UJSON = False else: import json if _USE_UJSON: # ujson doesn't support plugging into the JSON string parsing machinery .. print('WARNING: Autobahn is using ujson accelerated JSON module - will run faster,\nbut only on CPython and will loose ability to transport binary payload transparently!') _loads = ujson.loads _dumps = ujson.dumps _json = ujson else: # print('Notice: Autobahn is using json built-in standard library module for JSON serialization') import base64 class _WAMPJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'use_binary_hex_encoding' in kwargs: self._use_binary_hex_encoding = kwargs['use_binary_hex_encoding'] del kwargs['use_binary_hex_encoding'] else: self._use_binary_hex_encoding = False json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, bytes): if self._use_binary_hex_encoding: return '0x' + b2a_hex(obj).decode('ascii') else: return '\x00' + base64.b64encode(obj).decode('ascii') elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal): return str(obj) else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) # # the following is a hack. see # from json import scanner from json.decoder import scanstring _DEC_MATCH = re.compile(r'^[\+\-E\.0-9]+$') class _WAMPJsonDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'use_binary_hex_encoding' in kwargs: self._use_binary_hex_encoding = kwargs['use_binary_hex_encoding'] del kwargs['use_binary_hex_encoding'] else: self._use_binary_hex_encoding = False if 'use_decimal_from_str' in kwargs: self._use_decimal_from_str = kwargs['use_decimal_from_str'] del kwargs['use_decimal_from_str'] else: self._use_decimal_from_str = False if 'use_decimal_from_float' in kwargs: self._use_decimal_from_float = kwargs['use_decimal_from_float'] del kwargs['use_decimal_from_float'] if self._use_decimal_from_float: kwargs['parse_float'] = decimal.Decimal else: self._use_decimal_from_str = False json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _parse_string(*args, **kwargs): s, idx = scanstring(*args, **kwargs) if self._use_binary_hex_encoding: if s and s[0:2] == '0x': s = a2b_hex(s[2:]) return s, idx else: if s and s[0] == '\x00': s = base64.b64decode(s[1:]) return s, idx if self._use_decimal_from_str and _DEC_MATCH.match(s): try: s = decimal.Decimal(s) return s, idx except decimal.InvalidOperation: pass return s, idx self.parse_string = _parse_string # we need to recreate the internal scan function .. self.scan_once = scanner.py_make_scanner(self) # .. and we have to explicitly use the Py version, # not the C version, as the latter won't work # self.scan_once = scanner.make_scanner(self) def _loads(s, use_binary_hex_encoding=False, use_decimal_from_str=False, use_decimal_from_float=False): return json.loads(s, use_binary_hex_encoding=use_binary_hex_encoding, use_decimal_from_str=use_decimal_from_str, use_decimal_from_float=use_decimal_from_float, cls=_WAMPJsonDecoder) def _dumps(obj, use_binary_hex_encoding=False): return json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, use_binary_hex_encoding=use_binary_hex_encoding, cls=_WAMPJsonEncoder) _json = json
[docs]class JsonObjectSerializer(object): JSON_MODULE = _json """ The JSON module used (now only stdlib). """ NAME = 'json' BINARY = False def __init__(self, batched=False, use_binary_hex_encoding=False, use_decimal_from_str=False, use_decimal_from_float=False): """ :param batched: Flag that controls whether serializer operates in batched mode. :type batched: bool :param use_binary_hex_encoding: Flag to enable HEX encoding prefixed with ``"0x"``, otherwise prefix binaries with a ``\0`` byte. :type use_binary_hex_encoding: bool :param use_decimal_from_str: Flag to automatically encode Decimals as strings, and to try to parse strings as Decimals. :type use_decimal_from_str: bool """ self._batched = batched self._use_binary_hex_encoding = use_binary_hex_encoding self._use_decimal_from_str = use_decimal_from_str self._use_decimal_from_float = use_decimal_from_float
[docs] def serialize(self, obj): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.serialize` """ s = _dumps(obj, use_binary_hex_encoding=self._use_binary_hex_encoding) if isinstance(s, str): s = s.encode('utf8') if self._batched: return s + b'\30' else: return s
[docs] def unserialize(self, payload): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.unserialize` """ if self._batched: chunks = payload.split(b'\30')[:-1] else: chunks = [payload] if len(chunks) == 0: raise Exception("batch format error") return [_loads(data.decode('utf8'), use_binary_hex_encoding=self._use_binary_hex_encoding, use_decimal_from_str=self._use_decimal_from_str, use_decimal_from_float=self._use_decimal_from_float) for data in chunks]
IObjectSerializer.register(JsonObjectSerializer) SERID_TO_OBJSER[JsonObjectSerializer.NAME] = JsonObjectSerializer
[docs]class JsonSerializer(Serializer): SERIALIZER_ID = "json" """ ID used as part of the WebSocket subprotocol name to identify the serializer with WAMP-over-WebSocket. """ RAWSOCKET_SERIALIZER_ID = 1 """ ID used in lower four bits of second octet in RawSocket opening handshake identify the serializer with WAMP-over-RawSocket. """ MIME_TYPE = "application/json" """ MIME type announced in HTTP request/response headers when running WAMP-over-Longpoll HTTP fallback. """ def __init__(self, batched=False, use_binary_hex_encoding=False, use_decimal_from_str=False): """ Ctor. :param batched: Flag to control whether to put this serialized into batched mode. :type batched: bool """ Serializer.__init__(self, JsonObjectSerializer(batched=batched, use_binary_hex_encoding=use_binary_hex_encoding, use_decimal_from_str=use_decimal_from_str)) if batched: self.SERIALIZER_ID = "json.batched"
ISerializer.register(JsonSerializer) SERID_TO_SER[JsonSerializer.SERIALIZER_ID] = JsonSerializer _HAS_MSGPACK = False _USE_UMSGPACK = platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' or 'AUTOBAHN_USE_UMSGPACK' in os.environ if not _USE_UMSGPACK: try: # on CPython, use an impl. with native extension: # # import msgpack except ImportError: pass else: _HAS_MSGPACK = True _packb = lambda obj: msgpack.packb(obj, use_bin_type=True) # noqa _unpackb = lambda data: msgpack.unpackb(data, raw=False) # noqa _msgpack = msgpack # print('Notice: Autobahn is using msgpack library (with native extension, best on CPython) for MessagePack serialization') else: try: # on PyPy in particular, use a pure python impl.: # # import umsgpack except ImportError: pass else: _HAS_MSGPACK = True _packb = umsgpack.packb _unpackb = umsgpack.unpackb _msgpack = umsgpack # print('Notice: Autobahn is using umsgpack library (pure Python, best on PyPy) for MessagePack serialization') if _HAS_MSGPACK: class MsgPackObjectSerializer(object): NAME = 'msgpack' MSGPACK_MODULE = _msgpack BINARY = True """ Flag that indicates whether this serializer needs a binary clean transport. """ def __init__(self, batched=False): """ :param batched: Flag that controls whether serializer operates in batched mode. :type batched: bool """ self._batched = batched def serialize(self, obj): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.serialize` """ data = _packb(obj) if self._batched: return struct.pack("!L", len(data)) + data else: return data def unserialize(self, payload): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.unserialize` """ if self._batched: msgs = [] N = len(payload) i = 0 while i < N: # read message length prefix if i + 4 > N: raise Exception("batch format error [1]") l = struct.unpack("!L", payload[i:i + 4])[0] # read message data if i + 4 + l > N: raise Exception("batch format error [2]") data = payload[i + 4:i + 4 + l] # append parsed raw message msgs.append(_unpackb(data)) # advance until everything consumed i = i + 4 + l if i != N: raise Exception("batch format error [3]") return msgs else: unpacked = _unpackb(payload) return [unpacked] IObjectSerializer.register(MsgPackObjectSerializer) __all__.append('MsgPackObjectSerializer') SERID_TO_OBJSER[MsgPackObjectSerializer.NAME] = MsgPackObjectSerializer
[docs] class MsgPackSerializer(Serializer): SERIALIZER_ID = "msgpack" """ ID used as part of the WebSocket subprotocol name to identify the serializer with WAMP-over-WebSocket. """ RAWSOCKET_SERIALIZER_ID = 2 """ ID used in lower four bits of second octet in RawSocket opening handshake identify the serializer with WAMP-over-RawSocket. """ MIME_TYPE = "application/x-msgpack" """ MIME type announced in HTTP request/response headers when running WAMP-over-Longpoll HTTP fallback. """ def __init__(self, batched=False): """ Ctor. :param batched: Flag to control whether to put this serialized into batched mode. :type batched: bool """ Serializer.__init__(self, MsgPackObjectSerializer(batched=batched)) if batched: self.SERIALIZER_ID = "msgpack.batched"
ISerializer.register(MsgPackSerializer) SERID_TO_SER[MsgPackSerializer.SERIALIZER_ID] = MsgPackSerializer __all__.append('MsgPackSerializer') _HAS_CBOR = False try: import cbor2 except ImportError: pass else: _HAS_CBOR = True _cbor_loads = cbor2.loads _cbor_dumps = cbor2.dumps _cbor = cbor2 if _HAS_CBOR:
[docs] class CBORObjectSerializer(object): """ CBOR serializer based on `cbor2 <>`_. This CBOR serializer has proper support for arbitrary precision decimals, via tagged decimal fraction encoding, as described in `RFC7049 section 2.4.3 <>`_. """ NAME = 'cbor' CBOR_MODULE = _cbor BINARY = True """ Flag that indicates whether this serializer needs a binary clean transport. """ def __init__(self, batched=False): """ :param batched: Flag that controls whether serializer operates in batched mode. :type batched: bool """ self._batched = batched
[docs] def serialize(self, obj): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.serialize` """ data = _cbor_dumps(obj) if self._batched: return struct.pack("!L", len(data)) + data else: return data
[docs] def unserialize(self, payload): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.unserialize` """ if self._batched: msgs = [] N = len(payload) i = 0 while i < N: # read message length prefix if i + 4 > N: raise Exception("batch format error [1]") l = struct.unpack("!L", payload[i:i + 4])[0] # read message data if i + 4 + l > N: raise Exception("batch format error [2]") data = payload[i + 4:i + 4 + l] # append parsed raw message msgs.append(_cbor_loads(data)) # advance until everything consumed i = i + 4 + l if i != N: raise Exception("batch format error [3]") return msgs else: unpacked = _cbor_loads(payload) return [unpacked]
IObjectSerializer.register(CBORObjectSerializer) SERID_TO_OBJSER[CBORObjectSerializer.NAME] = CBORObjectSerializer __all__.append('CBORObjectSerializer')
[docs] class CBORSerializer(Serializer): SERIALIZER_ID = "cbor" """ ID used as part of the WebSocket subprotocol name to identify the serializer with WAMP-over-WebSocket. """ RAWSOCKET_SERIALIZER_ID = 3 """ ID used in lower four bits of second octet in RawSocket opening handshake identify the serializer with WAMP-over-RawSocket. """ MIME_TYPE = "application/cbor" """ MIME type announced in HTTP request/response headers when running WAMP-over-Longpoll HTTP fallback. """ def __init__(self, batched=False): """ Ctor. :param batched: Flag to control whether to put this serialized into batched mode. :type batched: bool """ Serializer.__init__(self, CBORObjectSerializer(batched=batched)) if batched: self.SERIALIZER_ID = "cbor.batched"
ISerializer.register(CBORSerializer) SERID_TO_SER[CBORSerializer.SERIALIZER_ID] = CBORSerializer __all__.append('CBORSerializer') # UBJSON serialization depends on the `py-ubjson` package being available # # try: import ubjson except ImportError: pass else: # print('Notice: Autobahn is using ubjson module for UBJSON serialization') class UBJSONObjectSerializer(object): NAME = 'ubjson' UBJSON_MODULE = ubjson BINARY = True """ Flag that indicates whether this serializer needs a binary clean transport. """ def __init__(self, batched=False): """ :param batched: Flag that controls whether serializer operates in batched mode. :type batched: bool """ self._batched = batched def serialize(self, obj): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.serialize` """ data = ubjson.dumpb(obj) if self._batched: return struct.pack("!L", len(data)) + data else: return data def unserialize(self, payload): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.unserialize` """ if self._batched: msgs = [] N = len(payload) i = 0 while i < N: # read message length prefix if i + 4 > N: raise Exception("batch format error [1]") l = struct.unpack("!L", payload[i:i + 4])[0] # read message data if i + 4 + l > N: raise Exception("batch format error [2]") data = payload[i + 4:i + 4 + l] # append parsed raw message msgs.append(ubjson.loadb(data)) # advance until everything consumed i = i + 4 + l if i != N: raise Exception("batch format error [3]") return msgs else: unpacked = ubjson.loadb(payload) return [unpacked] IObjectSerializer.register(UBJSONObjectSerializer) SERID_TO_OBJSER[UBJSONObjectSerializer.NAME] = UBJSONObjectSerializer __all__.append('UBJSONObjectSerializer')
[docs] class UBJSONSerializer(Serializer): SERIALIZER_ID = "ubjson" """ ID used as part of the WebSocket subprotocol name to identify the serializer with WAMP-over-WebSocket. """ RAWSOCKET_SERIALIZER_ID = 4 """ ID used in lower four bits of second octet in RawSocket opening handshake identify the serializer with WAMP-over-RawSocket. """ MIME_TYPE = "application/ubjson" """ MIME type announced in HTTP request/response headers when running WAMP-over-Longpoll HTTP fallback. """ def __init__(self, batched=False): """ Ctor. :param batched: Flag to control whether to put this serialized into batched mode. :type batched: bool """ Serializer.__init__(self, UBJSONObjectSerializer(batched=batched)) if batched: self.SERIALIZER_ID = "ubjson.batched"
ISerializer.register(UBJSONSerializer) SERID_TO_SER[UBJSONSerializer.SERIALIZER_ID] = UBJSONSerializer __all__.append('UBJSONSerializer') _HAS_FLATBUFFERS = False try: import flatbuffers # noqa from autobahn.wamp import message_fbs except ImportError: pass else: _HAS_FLATBUFFERS = True if _HAS_FLATBUFFERS: class FlatBuffersObjectSerializer(object): NAME = 'flatbuffers' FLATBUFFERS_MODULE = flatbuffers BINARY = True """ Flag that indicates whether this serializer needs a binary clean transport. """ MESSAGE_TYPE_MAP = { message_fbs.MessageType.EVENT: (message_fbs.Event, message.Event), message_fbs.MessageType.PUBLISH: (message_fbs.Publish, message.Publish), } def __init__(self, batched=False): """ :param batched: Flag that controls whether serializer operates in batched mode. :type batched: bool """ assert not batched, 'WAMP-FlatBuffers serialization does not support message batching currently' self._batched = batched def serialize(self, obj): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.serialize` """ raise NotImplementedError() def unserialize(self, payload): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IObjectSerializer.unserialize` """ union_msg = message_fbs.Message.Message.GetRootAsMessage(payload, 0) msg_type = union_msg.MsgType() if msg_type in self.MESSAGE_TYPE_MAP: fbs_klass, wamp_klass = self.MESSAGE_TYPE_MAP[msg_type] fbs_msg = fbs_klass() _tab = union_msg.Msg() fbs_msg.Init(_tab.Bytes, _tab.Pos) msg = wamp_klass(from_fbs=fbs_msg) return [msg] else: raise NotImplementedError('message type {} not yet implemented for WAMP-FlatBuffers'.format(msg_type)) IObjectSerializer.register(FlatBuffersObjectSerializer) __all__.append('FlatBuffersObjectSerializer') SERID_TO_OBJSER[FlatBuffersObjectSerializer.NAME] = FlatBuffersObjectSerializer
[docs] class FlatBuffersSerializer(Serializer): SERIALIZER_ID = "flatbuffers" """ ID used as part of the WebSocket subprotocol name to identify the serializer with WAMP-over-WebSocket. """ RAWSOCKET_SERIALIZER_ID = 5 """ ID used in lower four bits of second octet in RawSocket opening handshake identify the serializer with WAMP-over-RawSocket. """ MIME_TYPE = "application/x-flatbuffers" """ MIME type announced in HTTP request/response headers when running WAMP-over-Longpoll HTTP fallback. """ def __init__(self, batched=False): """ :param batched: Flag to control whether to put this serialized into batched mode. :type batched: bool """ Serializer.__init__(self, FlatBuffersObjectSerializer(batched=batched)) if batched: self.SERIALIZER_ID = "flatbuffers.batched"
ISerializer.register(FlatBuffersSerializer) SERID_TO_SER[FlatBuffersSerializer.SERIALIZER_ID] = FlatBuffersSerializer __all__.append('FlatBuffersSerializer') def create_transport_serializer(serializer_id): batched = False if '.' in serializer_id: l = serializer_id.split('.') serializer_id = l[0] if len(l) > 1 and l[1] == 'batched': batched = True if serializer_id in SERID_TO_SER: return SERID_TO_SER[serializer_id](batched=batched) else: raise RuntimeError('could not create serializer for "{}" (available: {})'.format(serializer_id, sorted(SERID_TO_SER.keys()))) def create_transport_serializers(transport): """ Create a list of serializers to use with a WAMP protocol factory. """ serializers = [] for serializer_id in transport.serializers: serializers.append(create_transport_serializer(serializer_id)) return serializers