Source code for autobahn.wamp.cryptosign

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) typedef int GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import os
import binascii
from binascii import a2b_hex, b2a_hex
import struct
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union, Dict, Any

import txaio

from autobahn import util
from autobahn.wamp.interfaces import ISecurityModule, ICryptosignKey
from autobahn.wamp.types import Challenge
from autobahn.wamp.message import _URI_PAT_REALM_NAME_ETH
from autobahn.util import parse_keyfile

__all__ = [

    # try to import everything we need for WAMP-cryptosign
    from nacl import encoding, signing, bindings
    from nacl.signing import SignedMessage
except ImportError:

def _unpack(keydata):
    Unpack a SSH agent key blob into parts.

    parts = []
    while keydata:
        # read the length of the data
        dlen = struct.unpack('>I', keydata[:4])[0]

        # read in <length> bytes
        data, keydata = keydata[4:dlen + 4], keydata[4 + dlen:]
    return parts

def _pack(keyparts):
    Pack parts into a SSH key blob.
    parts = []
    for part in keyparts:
        parts.append(struct.pack('>I', len(part)))
    return b''.join(parts)

def _read_ssh_ed25519_pubkey(keydata):
    Parse an OpenSSH Ed25519 public key from a string into a raw public key.

    Example input:

        ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJukDU5fqXv/yVhSirsDWsUFyOodZyCSLxyitPPzWJW9 oberstet@office-corei7

    :param keydata: The OpenSSH Ed25519 public key data to parse.
    :type keydata: str

    :returns: pair of raw public key (32 bytes) and comment
    :rtype: tuple
    if type(keydata) != str:
        raise Exception("invalid type {} for keydata".format(type(keydata)))

    parts = keydata.strip().split()
    if len(parts) != 3:
        raise Exception('invalid SSH Ed25519 public key')
    algo, keydata, comment = parts

    if algo != 'ssh-ed25519':
        raise Exception('not a Ed25519 SSH public key (but {})'.format(algo))

    blob = binascii.a2b_base64(keydata)

        key = _unpack(blob)[1]
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception('could not parse key ({})'.format(e))

    if len(key) != 32:
        raise Exception('invalid length {} for embedded raw key (must be 32 bytes)'.format(len(key)))

    return key, comment

class _SSHPacketReader:
    Read OpenSSH packet format which is used for key material.

    def __init__(self, packet):
        self._packet = packet
        self._idx = 0
        self._len = len(packet)

    def get_remaining_payload(self):
        return self._packet[self._idx:]

    def get_bytes(self, size):
        if self._idx + size > self._len:
            raise Exception('incomplete packet')

        value = self._packet[self._idx:self._idx + size]
        self._idx += size
        return value

    def get_uint32(self):
        return struct.unpack('>I', self.get_bytes(4))[0]

    def get_string(self):
        return self.get_bytes(self.get_uint32())

def _makepad(size: int) -> bytes:
    assert 0 <= size < 255
    return b''.join(x.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') for x in range(1, size + 1))

def _read_ssh_ed25519_privkey(keydata):
    Parse an OpenSSH Ed25519 private key from a string into a raw private key.

    Example input:

        -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----

    :param keydata: The OpenSSH Ed25519 private key data to parse.
    :type keydata: str

    :returns: pair of raw private key (32 bytes) and comment
    :rtype: tuple

    # Some pointers:
    # crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_seed

    OPENSSH_KEY_V1 = b'openssh-key-v1\0'

    if not (keydata.startswith(SSH_BEGIN) and keydata.endswith(SSH_END)):
        raise Exception('invalid OpenSSH private key (does not start/end with OPENSSH preamble)')

    ssh_end = keydata.find(SSH_END)
    keydata = keydata[len(SSH_BEGIN):ssh_end]
    keydata = ''.join(x.strip() for x in keydata.split())
    blob = binascii.a2b_base64(keydata)

    blob = blob[len(OPENSSH_KEY_V1):]
    packet = _SSHPacketReader(blob)

    cipher_name = packet.get_string()
    kdf = packet.get_string()
    packet.get_string()  # kdf_data
    nkeys = packet.get_uint32()
    packet.get_string()  # public_key
    key_data = packet.get_string()
    mac = packet.get_remaining_payload()

    block_size = 8

    if cipher_name != b'none':
        raise Exception('encrypted private keys not supported (please remove the passphrase from your private key or use SSH agent)')

    if kdf != b'none':
        raise Exception('passphrase encrypted private keys not supported')

    if nkeys != 1:
        raise Exception('multiple private keys in a key file not supported (found {} keys)'.format(nkeys))

    if mac:
        raise Exception('invalid OpenSSH private key (found remaining payload for mac)')

    packet = _SSHPacketReader(key_data)

    packet.get_uint32()  # check1
    packet.get_uint32()  # check2

    alg = packet.get_string()

    if alg != b'ssh-ed25519':
        raise Exception('invalid key type: we only support Ed25519 (found "{}")'.format(alg.decode('ascii')))

    vk = packet.get_string()
    sk = packet.get_string()

    if len(vk) != bindings.crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES:
        raise Exception('invalid public key length')

    if len(sk) != bindings.crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES:
        raise Exception('invalid public key length')

    comment = packet.get_string()                             # comment
    pad = packet.get_remaining_payload()

    if len(pad) and (len(pad) >= block_size or pad != _makepad(len(pad))):
        raise Exception('invalid OpenSSH private key (padlen={}, actual_pad={}, expected_pad={})'.format(len(pad), pad, _makepad(len(pad))))

    # secret key (64 octets) = 32 octets seed || 32 octets secret key derived of seed
    seed = sk[:bindings.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES]

    comment = comment.decode('ascii')

    return seed, comment

def _read_signify_ed25519_signature(signature_file):
    Read a Ed25519 signature file created with OpenBSD signify.
    with open(signature_file) as f:
        # signature file format: 2nd line is base64 of 'Ed' || 8 random octets || 64 octets Ed25519 signature
        sig = binascii.a2b_base64([1])[10:]
        if len(sig) != 64:
            raise Exception('bogus Ed25519 signature: raw signature length was {}, but expected 64'.format(len(sig)))
        return sig

def _read_signify_ed25519_pubkey(pubkey_file):
    Read a public key from a Ed25519 key pair created with OpenBSD signify.
    with open(pubkey_file) as f:
        # signature file format: 2nd line is base64 of 'Ed' || 8 random octets || 32 octets Ed25519 public key
        pubkey = binascii.a2b_base64([1])[10:]
        if len(pubkey) != 32:
            raise Exception('bogus Ed25519 public key: raw key length was {}, but expected 32'.format(len(pubkey)))
        return pubkey

def _qrcode_from_signify_ed25519_pubkey(pubkey_file, mode='text'):


    1. Get the OpenBSD 5.7 release public key from here

    2. Generate QR Code and print to terminal


    3. Compare to (scroll down) QR code here
    assert(mode in ['text', 'svg'])

    import qrcode

    with open(pubkey_file) as f:
        pubkey =[1]

        qr = qrcode.QRCode(box_size=3,

        if mode == 'text':
            import io

            with io.StringIO() as data_buffer:
                qr.print_ascii(out=data_buffer, invert=True)
                return data_buffer.getvalue()
        elif mode == 'svg':
            import qrcode.image.svg

            image = qr.make_image(image_factory=qrcode.image.svg.SvgImage)
            return image.to_string()
            raise Exception('logic error')

def _verify_signify_ed25519_signature(pubkey_file, signature_file, message):
    Verify a Ed25519 signature created with OpenBSD signify.

    This will raise a `nacl.exceptions.BadSignatureError` if the signature is bad
    and return silently when the signature is good.


    1. Create a signature:

        signify-openbsd -S -s ~/.signify/crossbario-trustroot.sec -m .profile

    2. Verify the signature

        from autobahn.wamp import cryptosign

        with open('.profile', 'rb') as f:
            message =
            cryptosign._verify_signify_ed25519_signature('.signify/', '.profile.sig', message)
    pubkey = _read_signify_ed25519_pubkey(pubkey_file)
    verify_key = signing.VerifyKey(pubkey)
    sig = _read_signify_ed25519_signature(signature_file)
    verify_key.verify(message, sig)

# CryptosignKey from
#   - raw byte string or file with raw bytes
#   - SSH private key string or key file
#   - SSH agent proxy
# VerifyKey from
#   - raw byte string or file with raw bytes
#   - SSH public key string or key file


    def _format_challenge(challenge: Challenge, channel_id_raw: Optional[bytes], channel_id_type: Optional[str]) -> bytes:
        Format the challenge based on provided parameters

        :param challenge: The WAMP-cryptosign challenge object for which a signature should be computed.
        :param channel_id_raw: The channel ID when channel_id_type is 'tls-unique'.
        :param channel_id_type: The type of the channel id, currently handles 'tls-unique' and
            ignores otherwise.
        if not isinstance(challenge, Challenge):
            raise Exception(
                "challenge must be instance of autobahn.wamp.types.Challenge, not {}".format(type(challenge)))

        if 'challenge' not in challenge.extra:
            raise Exception("missing challenge value in challenge.extra")

        # the challenge sent by the router (a 32 bytes random value)
        challenge_hex = challenge.extra['challenge']

        if type(challenge_hex) != str:
            raise Exception("invalid type {} for challenge (expected a hex string)".format(type(challenge_hex)))

        if len(challenge_hex) != 64:
            raise Exception("unexpected challenge (hex) length: was {}, but expected 64".format(len(challenge_hex)))

        # the challenge for WAMP-cryptosign is a 32 bytes random value in Hex encoding (that is, a unicode string)
        challenge_raw = binascii.a2b_hex(challenge_hex)

        if channel_id_type == 'tls-unique':
            assert len(
                channel_id_raw) == 32, 'unexpected TLS transport channel ID length (was {}, but expected 32)'.format(

            # with TLS channel binding of type "tls-unique", the message to be signed by the client actually
            # is the XOR of the challenge and the TLS channel ID
            data = util.xor(challenge_raw, channel_id_raw)
        elif channel_id_type is None:
            # when no channel binding was requested, the message to be signed by the client is the challenge only
            data = challenge_raw
            assert False, 'invalid channel_id_type "{}"'.format(channel_id_type)

        return data

    def _sign_challenge(data: bytes, signer_func: Callable) -> bytes:
        Sign the provided data using the provided signer.

        :param data: challenge to sign
        :param signer_func: The callable function to use for signing
        :returns: A Deferred/Future that resolves to the computed signature.
        :rtype: str
        # a raw byte string is signed, and the signature is also a raw byte string
        d1 = signer_func(data)

        # asyncio lacks callback chaining (and we cannot use co-routines, since we want
        # to support older Pythons), hence we need d2
        d2 = txaio.create_future()

        def process(signature_raw):
            # convert the raw signature into a hex encode value (unicode string)
            signature_hex = binascii.b2a_hex(signature_raw).decode('ascii')

            # we return the concatenation of the signature and the message signed (96 bytes)
            data_hex = binascii.b2a_hex(data).decode('ascii')

            sig = signature_hex + data_hex
            txaio.resolve(d2, sig)

        txaio.add_callbacks(d1, process, None)

        return d2

[docs] class CryptosignKey(object): """ A cryptosign private key for signing, and hence usable for authentication or a public key usable for verification (but can't be used for signing). """ def __init__(self, key, can_sign: bool, security_module: Optional[ISecurityModule] = None, key_no: Optional[int] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if not (isinstance(key, signing.VerifyKey) or isinstance(key, signing.SigningKey)): raise Exception("invalid type {} for key".format(type(key))) assert (can_sign and isinstance(key, signing.SigningKey)) or (not can_sign and isinstance(key, signing.VerifyKey)) self._key = key self._can_sign = can_sign self._security_module = security_module self._key_no = key_no self._comment = comment @property def security_module(self) -> Optional['ISecurityModule']: """ Implements :meth:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IKey.security_module`. """ return self._security_module @property def key_no(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Implements :meth:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IKey.key_no`. """ return self._key_no @property def comment(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Implements :meth:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IKey.comment`. """ return self._comment @property def key_type(self) -> str: """ Implements :meth:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IKey.key_type`. """ return 'cryptosign' @property def can_sign(self) -> bool: """ Implements :meth:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IKey.can_sign`. """ return self._can_sign
[docs] def sign(self, data: bytes) -> bytes: """ Implements :meth:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.IKey.sign`. """ if not self._can_sign: raise Exception("a signing key required to sign") if type(data) != bytes: raise Exception("data to be signed must be binary") sig: SignedMessage = self._key.sign(data) # we only return the actual signature! if we return "sig", # it gets coerced into the concatenation of message + signature # not sure which order, but we don't want that. we only want # the signature return txaio.create_future_success(sig.signature)
[docs] def sign_challenge(self, challenge: Challenge, channel_id: Optional[bytes] = None, channel_id_type: Optional[str] = None) -> bytes: """ Implements :meth:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ICryptosignKey.sign_challenge`. """ assert challenge.method in ['cryptosign', 'cryptosign-proxy'], \ 'unexpected cryptosign challenge with method "{}"'.format(challenge.method) data = _format_challenge(challenge, channel_id, channel_id_type) return _sign_challenge(data, self.sign)
[docs] def public_key(self, binary: bool = False) -> Union[str, bytes]: """ Returns the public key part of a signing key or the (public) verification key. :returns: The public key in Hex encoding. :rtype: str or None """ if isinstance(self._key, signing.SigningKey): key = self._key.verify_key else: key = self._key if binary: return key.encode() else: return key.encode(encoder=encoding.HexEncoder).decode('ascii')
@classmethod def from_pubkey(cls, pubkey: bytes, comment: Optional[str] = None) -> 'CryptosignKey': if not (comment is None or type(comment) == str): raise ValueError("invalid type {} for comment".format(type(comment))) if type(pubkey) != bytes: raise ValueError("invalid key type {} (expected binary)".format(type(pubkey))) if len(pubkey) != 32: raise ValueError("invalid key length {} (expected 32)".format(len(pubkey))) return cls(key=signing.VerifyKey(pubkey), can_sign=False, comment=comment) @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, key: bytes, comment: Optional[str] = None) -> 'CryptosignKey': if not (comment is None or type(comment) == str): raise ValueError("invalid type {} for comment".format(type(comment))) if type(key) != bytes: raise ValueError("invalid key type {} (expected binary)".format(type(key))) if len(key) != 32: raise ValueError("invalid key length {} (expected 32)".format(len(key))) return cls(key=signing.SigningKey(key), can_sign=True, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename: str, comment: Optional[str] = None) -> 'CryptosignKey': """ Load an Ed25519 (private) signing key (actually, the seed for the key) from a raw file of 32 bytes length. This can be any random byte sequence, such as generated from Python code like os.urandom(32) or from the shell dd if=/dev/urandom of=client02.key bs=1 count=32 :param filename: Filename of the key. :param comment: Comment for key (optional). """ if not (comment is None or type(comment) == str): raise Exception("invalid type {} for comment".format(type(comment))) if type(filename) != str: raise Exception("invalid type {} for filename".format(filename)) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: key_data = return cls.from_bytes(key_data, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ssh_file(cls, filename: str) -> 'CryptosignKey': """ Load an Ed25519 key from a SSH key file. The key file can be a (private) signing key (from a SSH private key file) or a (public) verification key (from a SSH public key file). A private key file must be passphrase-less. """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: key_data ='utf-8').strip() return cls.from_ssh_bytes(key_data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ssh_bytes(cls, key_data: str) -> 'CryptosignKey': """ Load an Ed25519 key from SSH key file. The key file can be a (private) signing key (from a SSH private key file) or a (public) verification key (from a SSH public key file). A private key file must be passphrase-less. """ SSH_BEGIN = '-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----' if key_data.startswith(SSH_BEGIN): # OpenSSH private key key_data, comment = _read_ssh_ed25519_privkey(key_data) key = signing.SigningKey(key_data, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder) can_sign = True else: # OpenSSH public key key_data, comment = _read_ssh_ed25519_pubkey(key_data) key = signing.VerifyKey(key_data) can_sign = False return cls(key=key, can_sign=can_sign, comment=comment)
[docs] @classmethod def from_seedphrase(cls, seedphrase: str, index: int = 0) -> 'CryptosignKey': """ Create a private key from the given BIP-39 mnemonic seed phrase and index, which can be used to sign and create signatures. :param seedphrase: The BIP-39 seedphrase ("Mnemonic") from which to derive the account. :param index: The account index in account hierarchy defined by the seedphrase. :return: New instance of :class:`EthereumKey` """ try: from autobahn.xbr._mnemonic import mnemonic_to_private_key except ImportError as e: raise RuntimeError('package autobahn[xbr] not installed ("{}")'.format(e)) # BIP44 path for WAMP # # derivation_path = "m/44'/655'/0'/0/{}".format(index) key_raw = mnemonic_to_private_key(seedphrase, derivation_path) assert type(key_raw) == bytes assert len(key_raw) == 32 # create WAMP-Cryptosign key object from raw bytes key = cls.from_bytes(key_raw) return key
[docs] @classmethod def from_keyfile(cls, keyfile: str) -> 'CryptosignKey': """ Create a public or private key from reading the given public or private key file. Here is an example key file that includes an CryptosignKey private key ``private-key-ed25519``, which is loaded in this function, and other fields, which are ignored by this function: .. code-block:: This is a comment (all lines until the first empty line are comments indeed). creator: oberstet@intel-nuci7 created-at: 2022-07-05T12:29:48.832Z user-id: oberstet@intel-nuci7 public-key-ed25519: 7326d9dc0307681cc6940fde0e60eb31a6e4d642a81e55c434462ce31f95deed public-adr-eth: 0x10848feBdf7f200Ba989CDf7E3eEB3EC03ae7768 private-key-ed25519: f750f42b0430e28a2e272c3cedcae4dcc4a1cf33bc345c35099d3322626ab666 private-key-eth: 4d787714dcb0ae52e1c5d2144648c255d660b9a55eac9deeb80d9f506f501025 :param keyfile: Path (relative or absolute) to a public or private keys file. :return: New instance of :class:`CryptosignKey` """ if not os.path.exists(keyfile) or not os.path.isfile(keyfile): raise RuntimeError('keyfile "{}" is not a file'.format(keyfile)) # now load the private or public key file - this returns a dict which should # include (for a private key): # # private-key-ed25519: 20e8c05d0ede9506462bb049c4843032b18e8e75b314583d0c8d8a4942f9be40 # # or (for a public key only): # # public-key-ed25519: 7326d9dc0307681cc6940fde0e60eb31a6e4d642a81e55c434462ce31f95deed # data = parse_keyfile(keyfile) privkey_ed25519_hex = data.get('private-key-ed25519', None) if privkey_ed25519_hex is None: pubkey_ed25519_hex = data.get('public-key-ed25519', None) if pubkey_ed25519_hex is None: raise RuntimeError('neither "private-key-ed25519" nor "public-key-ed25519" found in keyfile {}'.format(keyfile)) else: return CryptosignKey.from_pubkey(binascii.a2b_hex(pubkey_ed25519_hex)) else: return CryptosignKey.from_bytes(binascii.a2b_hex(privkey_ed25519_hex))
[docs] class CryptosignAuthextra(object): """ WAMP-Cryptosign authextra object. """ __slots__ = [ '_pubkey', '_trustroot', '_challenge', '_channel_binding', '_channel_id', '_realm', '_chain_id', '_block_no', '_delegate', '_seeder', '_bandwidth', '_signature', ] def __init__(self, pubkey: Optional[bytes] = None, challenge: Optional[bytes] = None, channel_binding: Optional[str] = None, channel_id: Optional[bytes] = None, # domain address, certificates are verified against owner of the domain trustroot: Optional[bytes] = None, # FIXME: add delegate address # FIXME: add certificates # FIXME: remove reservation realm: Optional[bytes] = None, chain_id: Optional[int] = None, block_no: Optional[int] = None, delegate: Optional[bytes] = None, seeder: Optional[bytes] = None, bandwidth: Optional[int] = None, signature: Optional[bytes] = None, ): if pubkey: assert len(pubkey) == 32 if trustroot: assert len(trustroot) == 20 if challenge: assert len(challenge) == 32 if channel_binding: assert channel_binding in ['tls-unique'] if channel_id: assert len(channel_id) == 32 if realm: assert len(realm) == 20 if delegate: assert len(delegate) == 20 if seeder: assert len(seeder) == 20 if signature: assert len(signature) == 65 self._pubkey = pubkey self._trustroot = trustroot self._challenge = challenge self._channel_binding = channel_binding self._channel_id = channel_id self._realm = realm self._chain_id = chain_id self._block_no = block_no self._delegate = delegate self._seeder = seeder self._bandwidth = bandwidth self._signature = signature @property def pubkey(self) -> Optional[bytes]: return self._pubkey @pubkey.setter def pubkey(self, value: Optional[bytes]): assert value is None or len(value) == 20 self._pubkey = value @property def trustroot(self) -> Optional[bytes]: return self._trustroot @trustroot.setter def trustroot(self, value: Optional[bytes]): assert value is None or len(value) == 20 self._trustroot = value @property def challenge(self) -> Optional[bytes]: return self._challenge @challenge.setter def challenge(self, value: Optional[bytes]): assert value is None or len(value) == 32 self._challenge = value @property def channel_binding(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._channel_binding @channel_binding.setter def channel_binding(self, value: Optional[str]): assert value is None or value in ['tls-unique'] self._channel_binding = value @property def channel_id(self) -> Optional[bytes]: return self._channel_id @channel_id.setter def channel_id(self, value: Optional[bytes]): assert value is None or len(value) == 32 self._channel_id = value @property def realm(self) -> Optional[bytes]: return self._realm @realm.setter def realm(self, value: Optional[bytes]): assert value is None or len(value) == 20 self._realm = value @property def chain_id(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._chain_id @chain_id.setter def chain_id(self, value: Optional[int]): assert value is None or value > 0 self._chain_id = value @property def block_no(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._block_no @block_no.setter def block_no(self, value: Optional[int]): assert value is None or value > 0 self._block_no = value @property def delegate(self) -> Optional[bytes]: return self._delegate @delegate.setter def delegate(self, value: Optional[bytes]): assert value is None or len(value) == 20 self._delegate = value @property def seeder(self) -> Optional[bytes]: return self._seeder @seeder.setter def seeder(self, value: Optional[bytes]): assert value is None or len(value) == 20 self._seeder = value @property def bandwidth(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._bandwidth @bandwidth.setter def bandwidth(self, value: Optional[int]): assert value is None or value > 0 self._bandwidth = value @property def signature(self) -> Optional[bytes]: return self._signature @signature.setter def signature(self, value: Optional[bytes]): assert value is None or len(value) == 65 self._signature = value @staticmethod def parse(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'CryptosignAuthextra': obj = CryptosignAuthextra() pubkey = data.get('pubkey', None) if pubkey is not None: if type(pubkey) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for pubkey'.format(type(pubkey))) if len(pubkey) != 32 * 2: raise ValueError('invalid length {} of pubkey'.format(len(pubkey))) obj._pubkey = a2b_hex(pubkey) challenge = data.get('challenge', None) if challenge is not None: if type(challenge) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for challenge'.format(type(challenge))) if len(challenge) != 32 * 2: raise ValueError('invalid length {} of challenge'.format(len(challenge))) obj._challenge = a2b_hex(challenge) channel_binding = data.get('channel_binding', None) if channel_binding is not None: if type(channel_binding) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for channel_binding'.format(type(channel_binding))) if channel_binding not in ['tls-unique']: raise ValueError('invalid value "{}" for channel_binding'.format(channel_binding)) obj._channel_binding = channel_binding channel_id = data.get('channel_id', None) if channel_id is not None: if type(channel_id) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for channel_id'.format(type(channel_id))) if len(channel_id) != 32 * 2: raise ValueError('invalid length {} of channel_id'.format(len(channel_id))) obj._channel_id = a2b_hex(channel_id) trustroot = data.get('trustroot', None) if trustroot is not None: if type(trustroot) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for trustroot - expected a string'.format(type(trustroot))) if not _URI_PAT_REALM_NAME_ETH.match(trustroot): raise ValueError('invalid value "{}" for trustroot - expected an Ethereum address'.format(type(trustroot))) obj._trustroot = a2b_hex(trustroot[2:]) reservation = data.get('reservation', None) if reservation is not None: if type(reservation) != dict: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for reservation'.format(type(reservation))) chain_id = reservation.get('chain_id', None) if chain_id is not None: if type(chain_id) != int: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for reservation.chain_id - expected an integer'.format(type(chain_id))) obj._chain_id = chain_id block_no = reservation.get('block_no', None) if block_no is not None: if type(block_no) != int: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for reservation.block_no - expected an integer'.format(type(block_no))) obj._block_no = block_no realm = reservation.get('realm', None) if realm is not None: if type(realm) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for reservation.realm - expected a string'.format(type(realm))) if not _URI_PAT_REALM_NAME_ETH.match(realm): raise ValueError('invalid value "{}" for reservation.realm - expected an Ethereum address'.format(type(realm))) obj._realm = a2b_hex(realm[2:]) delegate = reservation.get('delegate', None) if delegate is not None: if type(delegate) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for reservation.delegate - expected a string'.format(type(delegate))) if not _URI_PAT_REALM_NAME_ETH.match(delegate): raise ValueError('invalid value "{}" for reservation.delegate - expected an Ethereum address'.format(type(delegate))) obj._delegate = a2b_hex(delegate[2:]) seeder = reservation.get('seeder', None) if seeder is not None: if type(seeder) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for reservation.seeder - expected a string'.format(type(seeder))) if not _URI_PAT_REALM_NAME_ETH.match(seeder): raise ValueError('invalid value "{}" for reservation.seeder - expected an Ethereum address'.format(type(seeder))) obj._seeder = a2b_hex(seeder[2:]) bandwidth = reservation.get('bandwidth', None) if bandwidth is not None: if type(bandwidth) != int: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for reservation.bandwidth - expected an integer'.format(type(bandwidth))) obj._bandwidth = bandwidth signature = data.get('signature', None) if signature is not None: if type(signature) != str: raise ValueError('invalid type {} for signature'.format(type(signature))) if len(signature) != 65 * 2: raise ValueError('invalid length {} of signature'.format(len(signature))) obj._signature = a2b_hex(signature) return obj def marshal(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: res = {} # FIXME: marshal check-summed eth addresses if self._pubkey is not None: res['pubkey'] = b2a_hex(self._pubkey).decode() if self._challenge is not None: res['challenge'] = b2a_hex(self._challenge).decode() if self._channel_binding is not None: res['channel_binding'] = self._channel_binding if self._channel_id is not None: res['channel_id'] = b2a_hex(self._channel_id).decode() if self._trustroot is not None: res['trustroot'] = '0x' + b2a_hex(self._trustroot).decode() reservation = {} if self._chain_id is not None: reservation['chain_id'] = self._chain_id if self._block_no is not None: reservation['block_no'] = self._block_no if self._realm is not None: reservation['realm'] = '0x' + b2a_hex(self._realm).decode() if self._delegate is not None: reservation['delegate'] = '0x' + b2a_hex(self._delegate).decode() if self._seeder is not None: reservation['seeder'] = '0x' + b2a_hex(self._seeder).decode() if self._bandwidth is not None: reservation['bandwidth'] = self._bandwidth if reservation: res['reservation'] = reservation if self._signature is not None: res['signature'] = b2a_hex(self._signature).decode() return res
__all__.extend(['CryptosignKey', 'format_challenge', 'sign_challenge', 'CryptosignAuthextra'])