Source code for autobahn.wamp.component

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) Technologies GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import itertools
import random
from functools import partial

import txaio

from autobahn.util import ObservableMixin
from autobahn.websocket.util import parse_url as parse_ws_url
from autobahn.rawsocket.util import parse_url as parse_rs_url

from autobahn.wamp.types import ComponentConfig, SubscribeOptions, RegisterOptions
from autobahn.wamp.exception import SessionNotReady, ApplicationError
from autobahn.wamp.auth import create_authenticator, IAuthenticator
from autobahn.wamp.serializer import SERID_TO_SER

__all__ = (

def _validate_endpoint(endpoint, check_native_endpoint=None):
    Check a WAMP connecting endpoint configuration.
    if check_native_endpoint:
    elif not isinstance(endpoint, dict):
        raise ValueError(
            "'endpoint' must be a dict"

    # note, we're falling through here -- check_native_endpoint can
    # disallow or allow dict-based config as it likes, but if it
    # *does* allow a dict through, we want to check "base options"
    # here so that both Twisted and asyncio don't have to check these
    # things as well.
    if isinstance(endpoint, dict):
        # XXX what about filling in anything missing from the URL? Or
        # is that only for when *nothing* is provided for endpoint?
        if 'type' not in endpoint:
            # could maybe just make tcp the default?
            raise ValueError("'type' required in endpoint configuration")
        if endpoint['type'] not in ['tcp', 'unix']:
            raise ValueError('invalid type "{}" in endpoint'.format(endpoint['type']))

        for k in endpoint.keys():
            if k not in ['type', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'tls', 'timeout', 'version']:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid key '{}' in endpoint configuration".format(k)

        if endpoint['type'] == 'tcp':
            for k in ['host', 'port']:
                if k not in endpoint:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'{}' required in 'tcp' endpoint config".format(k)
            for k in ['path']:
                if k in endpoint:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'{}' not valid in 'tcp' endpoint config".format(k)
        elif endpoint['type'] == 'unix':
            for k in ['path']:
                if k not in endpoint:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'{}' required for 'unix' endpoint config".format(k)
            for k in ['host', 'port', 'tls']:
                if k in endpoint:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "'{}' not valid in 'unix' endpoint config".format(k)
            assert False, 'should not arrive here'

def _create_transport(index, transport, check_native_endpoint=None):
    Internal helper to insert defaults and create _Transport instances.

    :param transport: a (possibly valid) transport configuration
    :type transport: dict

    :returns: a _Transport instance

    :raises: ValueError on invalid configuration
    if type(transport) != dict:
        raise ValueError('invalid type {} for transport configuration - must be a dict'.format(type(transport)))

    valid_transport_keys = [
        'type', 'url', 'endpoint', 'serializer', 'serializers', 'options',
        'max_retries', 'max_retry_delay', 'initial_retry_delay',
        'retry_delay_growth', 'retry_delay_jitter', 'proxy',
    for k in transport.keys():
        if k not in valid_transport_keys:
            raise ValueError(
                "'{}' is not a valid configuration item".format(k)

    kind = 'websocket'
    if 'type' in transport:
        if transport['type'] not in ['websocket', 'rawsocket']:
            raise ValueError('Invalid transport type {}'.format(transport['type']))
        kind = transport['type']
        transport['type'] = 'websocket'

    if 'proxy' in transport and kind != 'websocket':
        raise ValueError(
            "proxy= only supported for type=websocket transports"
    proxy = transport.get("proxy", None)
    if proxy is not None:
        for k in proxy.keys():
            if k not in ['host', 'port']:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unknown key '{}' in proxy config".format(k)
        for k in ['host', 'port']:
            if k not in proxy:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Proxy config requires '{}'".formaT(k)

    options = dict()
    if 'options' in transport:
        options = transport['options']
        if not isinstance(options, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                'options must be a dict, not {}'.format(type(options))

    if kind == 'websocket':
        for key in ['url']:
            if key not in transport:
                raise ValueError("Transport requires '{}' key".format(key))
        # endpoint not required; we will deduce from URL if it's not provided
        # XXX not in the branch I rebased; can this go away? (is it redundant??)
        if 'endpoint' not in transport:
            is_secure, host, port, resource, path, params = parse_ws_url(transport['url'])
            endpoint_config = {
                'type': 'tcp',
                'host': host,
                'port': port,
                'tls': is_secure,
            # note: we're avoiding mutating the incoming "configuration"
            # dict, so this should avoid that too...
            endpoint_config = transport['endpoint']
            _validate_endpoint(endpoint_config, check_native_endpoint)

        if 'serializer' in transport:
            raise ValueError("'serializer' is only for rawsocket; use 'serializers'")
        if 'serializers' in transport:
            if not isinstance(transport['serializers'], (list, tuple)):
                raise ValueError("'serializers' must be a list of strings")
            if not all([
                    isinstance(s, (str, str))
                    for s in transport['serializers']]):
                raise ValueError("'serializers' must be a list of strings")
            valid_serializers = SERID_TO_SER.keys()
            for serial in transport['serializers']:
                if serial not in valid_serializers:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Invalid serializer '{}' (expected one of: {})".format(
                            ', '.join([repr(s) for s in valid_serializers]),
        serializer_config = transport.get('serializers', ['cbor', 'json'])

    elif kind == 'rawsocket':
        if 'endpoint' not in transport:
            if transport['url'].startswith('rs'):
                # # try to parse RawSocket URL ..
                isSecure, host, port = parse_rs_url(transport['url'])
            elif transport['url'].startswith('ws'):
                # try to parse WebSocket URL ..
                isSecure, host, port, resource, path, params = parse_ws_url(transport['url'])
                raise RuntimeError()
            if host == 'unix':
                # here, "port" is actually holding the path on the host, eg "/tmp/file.sock"
                endpoint_config = {
                    'type': 'unix',
                    'path': port,
                endpoint_config = {
                    'type': 'tcp',
                    'host': host,
                    'port': port,
            endpoint_config = transport['endpoint']
        if 'serializers' in transport:
            raise ValueError("'serializers' is only for websocket; use 'serializer'")
        # always a list; len == 1 for rawsocket
        if 'serializer' in transport:
            if not isinstance(transport['serializer'], (str, str)):
                raise ValueError("'serializer' must be a string")
            serializer_config = [transport['serializer']]
            serializer_config = ['cbor']

        assert False, 'should not arrive here'

    kw = {}
    for key in ['max_retries', 'max_retry_delay', 'initial_retry_delay',
                'retry_delay_growth', 'retry_delay_jitter']:
        if key in transport:
            kw[key] = transport[key]

    return _Transport(
        url=transport.get('url', None),

class _Transport(object):
    Thin-wrapper for WAMP transports used by a Connection.

    def __init__(self, idx, kind, url, endpoint, serializers,
        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        self.idx = idx

        self.type = kind
        self.url = url
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.options = options

        self.serializers = serializers
        if self.type == 'rawsocket' and len(serializers) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "'rawsocket' transport requires exactly one serializer"

        self.max_retries = max_retries
        self.max_retry_delay = max_retry_delay
        self.initial_retry_delay = initial_retry_delay
        self.retry_delay_growth = retry_delay_growth
        self.retry_delay_jitter = retry_delay_jitter
        self.proxy = proxy  # this is a dict of proxy config

        # used via can_reconnect() and failed() to record this
        # transport is never going to work
        self._permanent_failure = False


    def reset(self):
        set connection failure rates and retry-delay to initial values
        self.connect_attempts = 0
        self.connect_sucesses = 0
        self.connect_failures = 0
        self.retry_delay = self.initial_retry_delay

    def failed(self):
        Mark this transport as failed, meaning we won't try to connect to
        it any longer (that is: can_reconnect() will always return
        False afer calling this).
        self._permanent_failure = True

    def can_reconnect(self):
        if self._permanent_failure:
            return False
        if self.max_retries == -1:
            return True
        return self.connect_attempts < self.max_retries + 1

    def next_delay(self):
        if self.connect_attempts == 0:
            # if we never tried before, try immediately
            return 0
        elif self.max_retries != -1 and self.connect_attempts >= self.max_retries + 1:
            raise RuntimeError('max reconnects reached')
            self.retry_delay = self.retry_delay * self.retry_delay_growth
            self.retry_delay = random.normalvariate(self.retry_delay, self.retry_delay * self.retry_delay_jitter)
            if self.retry_delay > self.max_retry_delay:
                self.retry_delay = self.max_retry_delay
            return self.retry_delay

    def describe_endpoint(self):
        returns a human-readable description of the endpoint
        if isinstance(self.endpoint, dict):
            return self.endpoint['type']
        return repr(self.endpoint)

# this could probably implement twisted.application.service.IService
# if we wanted; or via an adapter...which just adds a startService()
# and stopService() [latter can be async]

[docs]class Component(ObservableMixin): """ A WAMP application component. A component holds configuration for (and knows how to create) transports and sessions. """ session_factory = None """ The factory of the session we will instantiate. """
[docs] def subscribe(self, topic, options=None, check_types=False): """ A decorator as a shortcut for subscribing during on-join For example:: @component.subscribe( "some.topic", options=SubscribeOptions(match='prefix'), ) def topic(*args, **kw): print("some.topic({}, {}): event received".format(args, kw)) """ assert options is None or isinstance(options, SubscribeOptions) def decorator(fn): def do_subscription(session, details): return session.subscribe(fn, topic=topic, options=options, check_types=check_types) self.on('join', do_subscription) return fn return decorator
[docs] def register(self, uri, options=None, check_types=False): """ A decorator as a shortcut for registering during on-join For example:: @component.register( "com.example.add", options=RegisterOptions(invoke='roundrobin'), ) def add(*args, **kw): print("add({}, {}): event received".format(args, kw)) """ assert options is None or isinstance(options, RegisterOptions) def decorator(fn): def do_registration(session, details): return session.register(fn, procedure=uri, options=options, check_types=check_types) self.on('join', do_registration) return fn return decorator
def __init__(self, main=None, transports=None, config=None, realm='realm1', extra=None, authentication=None, session_factory=None, is_fatal=None): """ :param main: After a transport has been connected and a session has been established and joined to a realm, this (async) procedure will be run until it finishes -- which signals that the component has run to completion. In this case, it usually doesn't make sense to use the ``on_*`` kwargs. If you do not pass a main() procedure, the session will not be closed (unless you arrange for .leave() to be called). :type main: callable taking two args ``reactor`` and ``ISession`` :param transports: Transport configurations for creating transports. Each transport can be a WAMP URL, or a dict containing the following configuration keys: - ``type`` (optional): ``websocket`` (default) or ``rawsocket`` - ``url``: the router URL - ``endpoint`` (optional, derived from URL if not provided): - ``type``: "tcp" or "unix" - ``host``, ``port``: only for TCP - ``path``: only for unix - ``timeout``: in seconds - ``tls``: ``True`` or (under Twisted) an ``twisted.internet.ssl.IOpenSSLClientComponentCreator`` instance (such as returned from ``twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS``) or ``CertificateOptions`` instance. - ``max_retries``: Maximum number of reconnection attempts. Unlimited if set to -1. - ``initial_retry_delay``: Initial delay for reconnection attempt in seconds (Default: 1.0s). - ``max_retry_delay``: Maximum delay for reconnection attempts in seconds (Default: 60s). - ``retry_delay_growth``: The growth factor applied to the retry delay between reconnection attempts (Default 1.5). - ``retry_delay_jitter``: A 0-argument callable that introduces nose into the delay. (Default random.random) - ``serializer`` (only for raw socket): Specify an accepted serializer (e.g. 'json', 'msgpack', 'cbor', 'ubjson', 'flatbuffers') - ``serializers``: Specify list of accepted serializers - ``options``: tbd - ``proxy``: tbd :type transports: None or str or list :param realm: the realm to join :type realm: str :param authentication: configuration of authenticators :type authentication: dict :param session_factory: if None, ``ApplicationSession`` is used, otherwise a callable taking a single ``config`` argument that is used to create a new `ApplicationSession` instance. :param is_fatal: a callable taking a single argument, an ``Exception`` instance. The callable should return ``True`` if this error is "fatal", meaning we should not try connecting to the current transport again. The default behavior (on None) is to always return ``False`` """ self.set_valid_events( [ 'start', # fired by base class 'connect', # fired by ApplicationSession 'join', # fired by ApplicationSession 'ready', # fired by ApplicationSession 'leave', # fired by ApplicationSession 'disconnect', # fired by ApplicationSession 'connectfailure', # fired by base class ] ) if is_fatal is not None and not callable(is_fatal): raise ValueError('"is_fatal" must be a callable or None') self._is_fatal = is_fatal if main is not None and not callable(main): raise ValueError('"main" must be a callable if given') self._entry = main # use WAMP-over-WebSocket to localhost when no transport is specified at all if transports is None: transports = 'ws://' # allows to provide a URL instead of a list of transports if isinstance(transports, (str, str)): url = transports # 'endpoint' will get filled in by parsing the 'url' transport = { 'type': 'websocket', 'url': url, } transports = [transport] # allows single transport instead of a list (convenience) elif isinstance(transports, dict): transports = [transports] # XXX do we want to be able to provide an infinite iterable of # transports here? e.g. a generator that makes new transport # to try? # now check and save list of transports self._transports = [] for idx, transport in enumerate(transports): # allows to provide a URL instead of transport dict if type(transport) == str: _transport = { 'type': 'websocket', 'url': transport, } else: _transport = transport self._transports.append( _create_transport(idx, _transport, self._check_native_endpoint) ) # XXX should have some checkconfig support self._authentication = authentication or {} if session_factory: self.session_factory = session_factory self._realm = realm self._extra = extra self._delay_f = None self._done_f = None self._session = None self._stopping = False def _can_reconnect(self): # check if any of our transport has any reconnect attempt left for transport in self._transports: if transport.can_reconnect(): return True return False def _start(self, loop=None): """ This starts the Component, which means it will start connecting (and re-connecting) to its configured transports. A Component runs until it is "done", which means one of: - There was a "main" function defined, and it completed successfully; - Something called ``.leave()`` on our session, and we left successfully; - ``.stop()`` was called, and completed successfully; - none of our transports were able to connect successfully (failure); :returns: a Future/Deferred which will resolve (to ``None``) when we are "done" or with an error if something went wrong. """ # we can only be "start()ed" once before we stop .. but that # doesn't have to be an error we can give back another future # that fires when our "real" _done_f is completed. if self._done_f is not None: d = txaio.create_future() def _cb(arg): txaio.resolve(d, arg) txaio.add_callbacks(self._done_f, _cb, _cb) return d # this future will be returned, and thus has the semantics # specified in the docstring. self._done_f = txaio.create_future() def _reset(arg): """ if the _done_f future is resolved (good or bad), we want to set it to None in our class """ self._done_f = None return arg txaio.add_callbacks(self._done_f, _reset, _reset) # Create a generator of transports that .can_reconnect() transport_gen = itertools.cycle(self._transports) # this is a 1-element list so we can set it from closures in # this function transport_candidate = [0] def error(fail): self._delay_f = None if self._stopping: # might be better to add framework-specific checks in # subclasses to see if this is CancelledError (for # Twisted) and whatever asyncio does .. but tracking # if we're in the shutdown path is fine too txaio.resolve(self._done_f, None) else:"Internal error {msg}", msg=txaio.failure_message(fail)) self.log.debug("{tb}", tb=txaio.failure_format_traceback(fail)) txaio.reject(self._done_f, fail) def attempt_connect(_): self._delay_f = None def handle_connect_error(fail): # FIXME - make txaio friendly # Can connect_f ever be in a cancelled state? # if txaio.using_asyncio and isinstance(fail.value, asyncio.CancelledError): # unrecoverable_error = True self.log.debug('component failed: {error}', error=txaio.failure_message(fail)) self.log.debug('{tb}', tb=txaio.failure_format_traceback(fail)) # If this is a "fatal error" that will never work, # we bail out now if isinstance(fail.value, ApplicationError): self.log.error("{msg}", msg=fail.value.error_message()) elif isinstance(fail.value, OSError): # failed to connect entirely, like nobody # listening etc."Connection failed with OS error: {msg}", msg=txaio.failure_message(fail)) elif self._is_ssl_error(fail.value): # Quoting pyOpenSSL docs: "Whenever # [SSL.Error] is raised directly, it has a # list of error messages from the OpenSSL # error queue, where each item is a tuple # (lib, function, reason). Here lib, function # and reason are all strings, describing where # and what the problem is. See err(3) for more # information." # (and 'args' is a 1-tuple containing the above # 3-tuple...) ssl_lib, ssl_func, ssl_reason = fail.value.args[0][0] self.log.error("TLS failure: {reason}", reason=ssl_reason) else: self.log.error( 'Connection failed: {error}', error=txaio.failure_message(fail), ) if self._is_fatal is None: is_fatal = False else: is_fatal = self._is_fatal(fail.value) if is_fatal:"Error was fatal; failing transport") transport_candidate[0].failed() txaio.call_later(0, transport_check, None) return def notify_connect_error(fail): chain_f = txaio.create_future() # hmm, if connectfailure took a _Transport instead of # (or in addition to?) self it could .failed() the # transport and we could do away with the is_fatal # listener? handler_f ='connectfailure', self, fail.value) txaio.add_callbacks( handler_f, lambda _: txaio.reject(chain_f, fail), lambda _: txaio.reject(chain_f, fail) ) return chain_f def connect_error(fail): notify_f = notify_connect_error(fail) txaio.add_callbacks(notify_f, None, handle_connect_error) def session_done(x): txaio.resolve(self._done_f, None) connect_f = txaio.as_future( self._connect_once, loop, transport_candidate[0], ) txaio.add_callbacks(connect_f, session_done, connect_error) def transport_check(_): self.log.debug('Entering re-connect loop') if not self._can_reconnect(): err_msg = "Component failed: Exhausted all transport connect attempts" try: raise RuntimeError(err_msg) except RuntimeError as e: txaio.reject(self._done_f, e) return while True: transport = next(transport_gen) if transport.can_reconnect(): transport_candidate[0] = transport break delay = transport.next_delay() self.log.warn( 'trying transport {transport_idx} ("{transport_url}") using connect delay {transport_delay}', transport_idx=transport.idx, transport_url=transport.url, transport_delay=delay, ) self._delay_f = txaio.sleep(delay) txaio.add_callbacks(self._delay_f, attempt_connect, error) # issue our first event, then start reconnect loop start_f ='start', loop, self) txaio.add_callbacks(start_f, transport_check, error) return self._done_f def stop(self): self._stopping = True if self._session and self._session.is_attached(): return self._session.leave() elif self._delay_f: # This cancel request will actually call the "error" callback of # the _delay_f future. Nothing to worry about. return txaio.as_future(txaio.cancel, self._delay_f) # if (for some reason -- should we log warning here to figure # out if this can evern happen?) we've not fired _done_f, we # do that now (causing our "main" to exit, and thus react() to # quit) if not txaio.is_called(self._done_f): txaio.resolve(self._done_f, None) return txaio.create_future_success(None) def _connect_once(self, reactor, transport): 'connecting once using transport type "{transport_type}" ' 'over endpoint "{endpoint_desc}"', transport_type=transport.type, endpoint_desc=transport.describe_endpoint(), ) done = txaio.create_future() # factory for ISession objects def create_session(): cfg = ComponentConfig(self._realm, self._extra) try: self._session = session = self.session_factory(cfg) for auth_name, auth_config in self._authentication.items(): if isinstance(auth_config, IAuthenticator): session.add_authenticator(auth_config) else: authenticator = create_authenticator(auth_name, **auth_config) session.add_authenticator(authenticator) except Exception as e: # couldn't instantiate session calls, which is fatal. # let the reconnection logic deal with that f = txaio.create_failure(e) txaio.reject(done, f) raise else: # hook up the listener to the parent so we can bubble # up events happning on the session onto the # connection. This lets you do component.on('join', # cb) which will work just as if you called # session.on('join', cb) for every session created. session._parent = self # listen on leave events; if we get errors # (e.g. no_such_realm), an on_leave can happen without # an on_join before def on_leave(session, details): "session leaving '{details.reason}'", details=details, ) if not txaio.is_called(done): if details.reason in ["wamp.close.normal", "wamp.close.goodbye_and_out"]: txaio.resolve(done, None) else: f = txaio.create_failure( ApplicationError(details.reason, details.message) ) txaio.reject(done, f) session.on('leave', on_leave) # if we were given a "main" procedure, we run through # it completely (i.e. until its Deferred fires) and # then disconnect this session def on_join(session, details): transport.reset() transport.connect_sucesses += 1 self.log.debug("session on_join: {details}", details=details) d = txaio.as_future(self._entry, reactor, session) def main_success(_): self.log.debug("main_success") def leave(): try: session.leave() except SessionNotReady: # someone may have already called # leave() pass txaio.call_later(0, leave) def main_error(err): self.log.debug("main_error: {err}", err=err) txaio.reject(done, err) session.disconnect() txaio.add_callbacks(d, main_success, main_error) if self._entry is not None: session.on('join', on_join) # listen on disconnect events. Note that in case we # had a "main" procedure, we could have already # resolve()'d our "done" future def on_disconnect(session, was_clean): self.log.debug( "session on_disconnect: was_clean={was_clean}", was_clean=was_clean, ) if not txaio.is_called(done): if not was_clean: self.log.warn( "Session disconnected uncleanly" ) else: # eg the session has left the realm, and the transport was properly # shut down. successfully finish the connection txaio.resolve(done, None) session.on('disconnect', on_disconnect) # return the fresh session object return session transport.connect_attempts += 1 d = txaio.as_future( self._connect_transport, reactor, transport, create_session, done, ) def on_error(err): """ this may seem redundant after looking at _connect_transport, but it will handle a case where something goes wrong in _connect_transport itself -- as the only connect our caller has is the 'done' future """ transport.connect_failures += 1 # something bad has happened, and maybe didn't get caught # upstream yet if not txaio.is_called(done): txaio.reject(done, err) txaio.add_callbacks(d, None, on_error) return done
[docs] def on_join(self, fn): """ A decorator as a shortcut for listening for 'join' events. For example:: @component.on_join def joined(session, details): print("Session {} joined: {}".format(session, details)) """ self.on('join', fn)
[docs] def on_leave(self, fn): """ A decorator as a shortcut for listening for 'leave' events. """ self.on('leave', fn)
[docs] def on_connect(self, fn): """ A decorator as a shortcut for listening for 'connect' events. """ self.on('connect', fn)
[docs] def on_disconnect(self, fn): """ A decorator as a shortcut for listening for 'disconnect' events. """ self.on('disconnect', fn)
[docs] def on_ready(self, fn): """ A decorator as a shortcut for listening for 'ready' events. """ self.on('ready', fn)
[docs] def on_connectfailure(self, fn): """ A decorator as a shortcut for listening for 'connectfailure' events. """ self.on('connectfailure', fn)
def _run(reactor, components, done_callback=None): """ Internal helper. Use "run" method from autobahn.twisted.wamp or autobahn.asyncio.wamp This is the generic parts of the run() method so that there's very little code in the twisted/asyncio specific run() methods. This is called by react() (or run_until_complete() so any errors coming out of this should be handled properly. Logging will already be started. """ # let user pass a single component to run, too # XXX probably want IComponent? only demand it, here and below? if isinstance(components, Component): components = [components] if type(components) != list: raise ValueError( '"components" must be a list of Component objects - encountered' ' {0}'.format(type(components)) ) for c in components: if not isinstance(c, Component): raise ValueError( '"components" must be a list of Component objects - encountered' 'item of type {0}'.format(type(c)) ) # validation complete; proceed with startup log = txaio.make_logger() def component_success(comp, arg): log.debug("Component '{c}' successfully completed: {arg}", c=comp, arg=arg) return arg def component_failure(comp, f): log.error("Component '{c}' error: {msg}", c=comp, msg=txaio.failure_message(f)) log.debug("Component error: {tb}", tb=txaio.failure_format_traceback(f)) # double-check: is a component-failure still fatal to the # startup process (because we passed consume_exception=False # to gather() below?) return None def component_start(comp): # the future from start() errbacks if we fail, or callbacks # when the component is considered "done" (so maybe never) d = txaio.as_future(comp.start, reactor) txaio.add_callbacks( d, partial(component_success, comp), partial(component_failure, comp), ) return d # note that these are started in parallel -- maybe we want to add # a "connected" signal to components so we could start them in the # order they're given to run() as "a" solution to dependencies. dl = [] for comp in components: d = component_start(comp) dl.append(d) done_d = txaio.gather(dl, consume_exceptions=False) if done_callback: def all_done(arg): log.debug("All components ended; stopping reactor") done_callback(reactor, arg) txaio.add_callbacks(done_d, all_done, all_done) return done_d