Source code for autobahn.xbr._seller

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) typedef int GmbH
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import asyncio
import binascii
import os
import uuid

from autobahn.wamp.types import RegisterOptions, CallDetails
from autobahn.wamp.exception import ApplicationError, TransportLost
from autobahn.wamp.protocol import ApplicationSession
from ._util import unpack_uint256, pack_uint256
from txaio import time_ns

import cbor2
import eth_keys
import nacl.secret
import nacl.utils
import nacl.public
import txaio

from ..util import hl, hlval
from ._eip712_channel_close import sign_eip712_channel_close, recover_eip712_channel_close

[docs]class KeySeries(object): """ Data encryption key series with automatic (time-based) key rotation and key offering (to the XBR market maker). """ def __init__(self, api_id, price, interval=None, count=None, on_rotate=None): """ :param api_id: ID of the API for which to generate keys. :type api_id: bytes :param price: Price per key in key series. :type price: int :param interval: Interval in seconds after which to auto-rotate key. :type interval: int :param count: Number of encryption operations after which to auto-rotate key. :type count: int :param on_rotate: Optional user callback fired after key was rotated. :type on_rotate: callable """ assert type(api_id) == bytes and len(api_id) == 16 assert type(price) == int and price >= 0 assert interval is None or (type(interval) == int and interval > 0) assert count is None or (type(count) == int and count > 0) assert (interval is None and count is not None) or (interval is not None and count is None) assert on_rotate is None or callable(on_rotate) self._api_id = api_id self._price = price self._interval = interval self._count = count self._count_current = 0 self._on_rotate = on_rotate self._id = None self._key = None self._box = None self._archive = {} @property def key_id(self): """ Get current XBR data encryption key ID (of the keys being rotated in a series). :return: Current key ID in key series (16 bytes). :rtype: bytes """ return self._id
[docs] async def encrypt(self, payload): """ Encrypt data with the current XBR data encryption key. :param payload: Application payload to encrypt. :type payload: object :return: The ciphertext for the encrypted application payload. :rtype: bytes """ data = cbor2.dumps(payload) if self._count is not None: self._count_current += 1 if self._count_current >= self._count: await self._rotate() self._count_current = 0 ciphertext = self._box.encrypt(data) return self._id, 'cbor', ciphertext
[docs] def encrypt_key(self, key_id, buyer_pubkey): """ Encrypt a (previously used) XBR data encryption key with a buyer public key. :param key_id: ID of the data encryption key to encrypt. :type key_id: bytes :param buyer_pubkey: Buyer WAMP public key (Ed25519) to asymmetrically encrypt the data encryption key (selected by ``key_id``) against. :type buyer_pubkey: bytes :return: The ciphertext for the encrypted data encryption key. :rtype: bytes """ assert type(key_id) == bytes and len(key_id) == 16 assert type(buyer_pubkey) == bytes and len(buyer_pubkey) == 32 key, _ = self._archive[key_id] sendkey_box = nacl.public.SealedBox(nacl.public.PublicKey(buyer_pubkey, encoder=nacl.encoding.RawEncoder)) encrypted_key = sendkey_box.encrypt(key, encoder=nacl.encoding.RawEncoder) return encrypted_key
[docs] def start(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def stop(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] async def _rotate(self): # generate new ID for next key in key series self._id = os.urandom(16) # generate next data encryption key in key series self._key = nacl.utils.random(nacl.secret.SecretBox.KEY_SIZE) # create secretbox from new key self._box = nacl.secret.SecretBox(self._key) # add key to archive self._archive[self._id] = (self._key, self._box) self.log.debug( '{tx_type} key "{key_id}" rotated [api_id="{api_id}"]', tx_type=hl('XBR ROTATE', color='magenta'), key_id=hl(uuid.UUID(bytes=self._id)), api_id=hl(uuid.UUID(bytes=self._api_id))) # maybe fire user callback if self._on_rotate: await self._on_rotate(self)
[docs]class PayingChannel(object): def __init__(self, adr, seq, balance): assert type(adr) == bytes and len(adr) == 16 assert type(seq) == int and seq >= 0 assert type(balance) == int and balance >= 0 self._adr = adr self._seq = seq self._balance = balance
[docs]class SimpleSeller(object): log = None KeySeries = None STATE_NONE = 0 STATE_STARTING = 1 STATE_STARTED = 2 STATE_STOPPING = 3 STATE_STOPPED = 4 def __init__(self, market_maker_adr, seller_key, provider_id=None): """ :param market_maker_adr: Market maker public Ethereum address (20 bytes). :type market_maker_adr: bytes :param seller_key: Seller (delegate) private Ethereum key (32 bytes). :type seller_key: bytes :param provider_id: Optional explicit data provider ID. When not given, the seller delegate public WAMP key (Ed25519 in Hex) is used as the provider ID. This must be a valid WAMP URI part. :type provider_id: string """ assert type(market_maker_adr) == bytes and len(market_maker_adr) == 20, 'market_maker_adr must be bytes[20], but got "{}"'.format(market_maker_adr) assert type(seller_key) == bytes and len(seller_key) == 32, 'seller delegate must be bytes[32], but got "{}"'.format(seller_key) assert provider_id is None or type(provider_id) == str, 'provider_id must be None or string, but got "{}"'.format(provider_id) self.log = txaio.make_logger() # current seller state self._state = SimpleSeller.STATE_NONE # market maker address self._market_maker_adr = market_maker_adr self._xbrmm_config = None # seller raw ethereum private key (32 bytes) self._pkey_raw = seller_key # seller ethereum private key object self._pkey = eth_keys.keys.PrivateKey(seller_key) # seller ethereum private account from raw private key # FIXME # self._acct = Account.privateKeyToAccount(self._pkey) self._acct = None # seller ethereum account canonical address self._addr = self._pkey.public_key.to_canonical_address() # seller ethereum account canonical checksummed address # FIXME # self._caddr = web3.Web3.toChecksumAddress(self._addr) self._caddr = None # seller provider ID self._provider_id = provider_id or str(self._pkey.public_key) self._channels = {} # will be filled with on-chain payment channel contract, once started self._channel = None # channel current (off-chain) balance self._balance = 0 # channel sequence number self._seq = 0 self._keys = {} self._keys_map = {} # after start() is running, these will be set self._session = None self._session_regs = None @property def public_key(self): """ This seller delegate public Ethereum key. :return: Ethereum public key of this seller delegate. :rtype: bytes """ return self._pkey.public_key
[docs] def add(self, api_id, prefix, price, interval=None, count=None, categories=None): """ Add a new (rotating) private encryption key for encrypting data on the given API. :param api_id: API for which to create a new series of rotating encryption keys. :type api_id: bytes :param price: Price in XBR token per key. :type price: int :param interval: Interval (in seconds) after which to auto-rotate the encryption key. :type interval: int :param count: Number of encryption operations after which to auto-rotate the encryption key. :type count: int """ assert type(api_id) == bytes and len(api_id) == 16 and api_id not in self._keys assert type(price) == int and price >= 0 assert interval is None or (type(interval) == int and interval > 0) assert count is None or (type(count) == int and count > 0) assert (interval is None and count is not None) or (interval is not None and count is None) assert categories is None or (type(categories) == dict and (type(k) == str for k in categories.keys()) and (type(v) == str for v in categories.values())), 'invalid categories type (must be dict) or category key or value type (must both be string)' async def on_rotate(key_series): key_id = key_series.key_id self._keys_map[key_id] = key_series # FIXME: expose the knobs hard-coded in below .. # offer the key to the market maker (retry 5x in specific error cases) retries = 5 while retries: try: valid_from = time_ns() - 10 * 10 ** 9 delegate = self._addr # FIXME: sign the supplied offer information using self._pkey signature = os.urandom(65) provider_id = self._provider_id offer = await'xbr.marketmaker.place_offer', key_id, api_id, prefix, valid_from, delegate, signature, privkey=None, price=pack_uint256(price) if price is not None else None, categories=categories, expires=None, copies=None, provider_id=provider_id) self.log.debug( '{tx_type} key "{key_id}" offered for {price} [api_id={api_id}, prefix="{prefix}", delegate="{delegate}"]', tx_type=hl('XBR OFFER ', color='magenta'), key_id=hl(uuid.UUID(bytes=key_id)), api_id=hl(uuid.UUID(bytes=api_id)), price=hl(str(int(price / 10 ** 18) if price is not None else 0) + ' XBR', color='magenta'), delegate=hl(binascii.b2a_hex(delegate).decode()), prefix=hl(prefix)) self.log.debug('offer={offer}', offer=offer) break except ApplicationError as e: if e.error == 'wamp.error.no_such_procedure': self.log.warn('xbr.marketmaker.offer: procedure unavailable!') else: self.log.failure() break except TransportLost: self.log.warn('TransportLost while calling xbr.marketmaker.offer!') break except: self.log.failure() retries -= 1 self.log.warn('Failed to place offer for key! Retrying {retries}/5 ..', retries=retries) await asyncio.sleep(1) key_series = self.KeySeries(api_id, price, interval=interval, count=count, on_rotate=on_rotate) self._keys[api_id] = key_series self.log.debug('Created new key series {key_series}', key_series=key_series) return key_series
[docs] async def start(self, session): """ Start rotating keys and placing key offers with the XBR market maker. :param session: WAMP session over which to communicate with the XBR market maker. :type session: :class:`autobahn.wamp.protocol.ApplicationSession` """ assert isinstance(session, ApplicationSession), 'session must be an ApplicationSession, was "{}"'.format(session) assert self._state in [SimpleSeller.STATE_NONE, SimpleSeller.STATE_STOPPED], 'seller already running' self._state = SimpleSeller.STATE_STARTING self._session = session self._session_regs = [] self.log.debug('Start selling from seller delegate address {address} (public key 0x{public_key}..)', address=hl(self._caddr), public_key=binascii.b2a_hex(self._pkey.public_key[:10]).decode()) # get the currently active (if any) paying channel for the delegate self._channel = await'xbr.marketmaker.get_active_paying_channel', self._addr) if not self._channel: raise Exception('no active paying channel found') channel_oid = self._channel['channel_oid'] assert type(channel_oid) == bytes and len(channel_oid) == 16 self._channel_oid = uuid.UUID(bytes=channel_oid) procedure = 'xbr.provider.{}.sell'.format(self._provider_id) reg = await session.register(self.sell, procedure, options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='details')) self._session_regs.append(reg) self.log.debug('Registered procedure "{procedure}"', procedure=hl(reg.procedure)) procedure = 'xbr.provider.{}.close_channel'.format(self._provider_id) reg = await session.register(self.close_channel, procedure, options=RegisterOptions(details_arg='details')) self._session_regs.append(reg) self.log.debug('Registered procedure "{procedure}"', procedure=hl(reg.procedure)) for key_series in self._keys.values(): await key_series.start() self._xbrmm_config = await'xbr.marketmaker.get_config') # get the current (off-chain) balance of the paying channel paying_balance = await'xbr.marketmaker.get_paying_channel_balance', self._channel_oid.bytes) # FIXME if type(paying_balance['remaining']) == bytes: paying_balance['remaining'] = unpack_uint256(paying_balance['remaining']) if not paying_balance['remaining'] > 0: raise Exception('no off-chain balance remaining on paying channel') self._channels[channel_oid] = PayingChannel(channel_oid, paying_balance['seq'], paying_balance['remaining']) self._state = SimpleSeller.STATE_STARTED # FIXME self._balance = paying_balance['remaining'] if type(self._balance) == bytes: self._balance = unpack_uint256(self._balance) self._seq = paying_balance['seq']'Ok, seller delegate started [active paying channel {channel_oid} with remaining balance {remaining} at sequence {seq}]', channel_oid=hl(self._channel_oid), remaining=hlval(self._balance), seq=hlval(self._seq)) return paying_balance['remaining']
[docs] async def stop(self): """ Stop rotating/offering keys to the XBR market maker. """ assert self._state in [SimpleSeller.STATE_STARTED], 'seller not running' self._state = SimpleSeller.STATE_STOPPING dl = [] for key_series in self._keys.values(): d = key_series.stop() dl.append(d) if self._session_regs: if self._session and self._session.is_attached(): # voluntarily unregister interface for reg in self._session_regs: d = reg.unregister() dl.append(d) self._session_regs = None d = txaio.gather(dl) try: await d except: self.log.failure() finally: self._state = SimpleSeller.STATE_STOPPED self._session = None'Ok, seller delegate stopped.')
[docs] async def balance(self): """ Return current (off-chain) balance of paying channel: * ``amount``: The initial amount with which the paying channel was opened. * ``remaining``: The remaining amount of XBR in the paying channel that can be earned. * ``inflight``: The amount of XBR allocated to sell transactions that are currently processed. :return: Current paying balance. :rtype: dict """ if self._state not in [SimpleSeller.STATE_STARTED]: raise RuntimeError('seller not running') if not self._session or not self._session.is_attached(): raise RuntimeError('market-maker session not attached') paying_balance = await'xbr.marketmaker.get_paying_channel_balance', self._channel['channel_oid']) return paying_balance
[docs] async def wrap(self, api_id, uri, payload): """ Encrypt and wrap application payload for a given API and destined for a specific WAMP URI. :param api_id: API for which to encrypt and wrap the application payload for. :type api_id: bytes :param uri: WAMP URI the application payload is destined for (eg the procedure or topic URI). :type uri: str :param payload: Application payload to encrypt and wrap. :type payload: object :return: The encrypted and wrapped application payload: a tuple with ``(key_id, serializer, ciphertext)``. :rtype: tuple """ assert type(api_id) == bytes and len(api_id) == 16 and api_id in self._keys assert type(uri) == str assert payload is not None keyseries = self._keys[api_id] key_id, serializer, ciphertext = await keyseries.encrypt(payload) return key_id, serializer, ciphertext
[docs] def close_channel(self, market_maker_adr, channel_oid, channel_seq, channel_balance, channel_is_final, marketmaker_signature, details=None): """ Called by a XBR Market Maker to close a paying channel. """ assert type(market_maker_adr) == bytes and len(market_maker_adr) == 20, 'market_maker_adr must be bytes[20], but was {}'.format(type(market_maker_adr)) assert type(channel_oid) == bytes and len(channel_oid) == 16, 'channel_oid must be bytes[16], but was {}'.format(type(channel_oid)) assert type(channel_seq) == int, 'channel_seq must be int, but was {}'.format(type(channel_seq)) assert type(channel_balance) == bytes and len(channel_balance) == 32, 'channel_balance must be bytes[32], but was {}'.format(type(channel_balance)) assert type(channel_is_final) == bool, 'channel_is_final must be bool, but was {}'.format(type(channel_is_final)) assert type(marketmaker_signature) == bytes and len(marketmaker_signature) == (32 + 32 + 1), 'marketmaker_signature must be bytes[65], but was {}'.format(type(marketmaker_signature)) assert details is None or isinstance(details, CallDetails), 'details must be autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails' # check that the delegate_adr fits what we expect for the market maker if market_maker_adr != self._market_maker_adr: raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.unexpected_delegate_adr', '{}.sell() - unexpected market maker (delegate) address: expected 0x{}, but got 0x{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, binascii.b2a_hex(self._market_maker_adr).decode(), binascii.b2a_hex(market_maker_adr).decode())) # FIXME: must be the currently active channel .. and we need to track all of these if channel_oid != self._channel['channel_oid']: self._session.leave() raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.unexpected_channel_oid', '{}.sell() - unexpected paying channel address: expected 0x{}, but got 0x{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, binascii.b2a_hex(self._channel['channel_oid']).decode(), binascii.b2a_hex(channel_oid).decode())) # channel sequence number: check we have consensus on off-chain channel state with peer (which is the market maker) if channel_seq != self._seq: raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.unexpected_channel_seq', '{}.sell() - unexpected channel (after tx) sequence number: expected {}, but got {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._seq + 1, channel_seq)) # channel balance: check we have consensus on off-chain channel state with peer (which is the market maker) channel_balance = unpack_uint256(channel_balance) if channel_balance != self._balance: raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.unexpected_channel_balance', '{}.sell() - unexpected channel (after tx) balance: expected {}, but got {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._balance, channel_balance)) # XBRSIG: check the signature (over all input data for the buying of the key) signer_address = recover_eip712_channel_close(channel_oid, channel_seq, channel_balance, channel_is_final, marketmaker_signature) if signer_address != market_maker_adr: self.log.warn('{klass}.sell()::XBRSIG[4/8] - EIP712 signature invalid: signer_address={signer_address}, delegate_adr={delegate_adr}', klass=self.__class__.__name__, signer_address=hl(binascii.b2a_hex(signer_address).decode()), delegate_adr=hl(binascii.b2a_hex(market_maker_adr).decode())) raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.invalid_signature', '{}.sell()::XBRSIG[4/8] - EIP712 signature invalid or not signed by market maker'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) # XBRSIG: compute EIP712 typed data signature seller_signature = sign_eip712_channel_close(self._pkey_raw, channel_oid, channel_seq, channel_balance, channel_is_final) receipt = { 'delegate': self._addr, 'seq': channel_seq, 'balance': pack_uint256(channel_balance), 'is_final': channel_is_final, 'signature': seller_signature, } self.log.debug('{klass}.close_channel() - {tx_type} closing channel {channel_oid}, closing balance {channel_balance}, closing sequence {channel_seq} [caller={caller}, caller_authid="{caller_authid}"]', klass=self.__class__.__name__, tx_type=hl('XBR CLOSE ', color='magenta'), channel_balance=hl(str(int(channel_balance / 10 ** 18)) + ' XBR', color='magenta'), channel_seq=hl(channel_seq), channel_oid=hl(binascii.b2a_hex(channel_oid).decode()), caller=hl(details.caller), caller_authid=hl(details.caller_authid)) return receipt
[docs] def sell(self, market_maker_adr, buyer_pubkey, key_id, channel_oid, channel_seq, amount, balance, signature, details=None): """ Called by a XBR Market Maker to buy a data encyption key. The XBR Market Maker here is acting for (triggered by) the XBR buyer delegate. :param market_maker_adr: The market maker Ethereum address. The technical buyer is usually the XBR market maker (== the XBR delegate of the XBR market operator). :type market_maker_adr: bytes of length 20 :param buyer_pubkey: The buyer delegate Ed25519 public key. :type buyer_pubkey: bytes of length 32 :param key_id: The UUID of the data encryption key to buy. :type key_id: bytes of length 16 :param channel_oid: The on-chain channel contract address. :type channel_oid: bytes of length 16 :param channel_seq: Paying channel sequence off-chain transaction number. :type channel_seq: int :param amount: The amount paid by the XBR Buyer via the XBR Market Maker. :type amount: bytes :param balance: Balance remaining in the payment channel (from the market maker to the seller) after successfully buying the key. :type balance: bytes :param signature: Signature over the supplied buying information, using the Ethereum private key of the market maker (which is the delegate of the marker operator). :type signature: bytes of length 65 :param details: Caller details. The call will come from the XBR Market Maker. :type details: :class:`autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails` :return: The data encryption key, itself encrypted to the public key of the original buyer. :rtype: bytes """ assert type(market_maker_adr) == bytes and len(market_maker_adr) == 20, 'delegate_adr must be bytes[20]' assert type(buyer_pubkey) == bytes and len(buyer_pubkey) == 32, 'buyer_pubkey must be bytes[32]' assert type(key_id) == bytes and len(key_id) == 16, 'key_id must be bytes[16]' assert type(channel_oid) == bytes and len(channel_oid) == 16, 'channel_oid must be bytes[16]' assert type(channel_seq) == int, 'channel_seq must be int' assert type(amount) == bytes and len(amount) == 32, 'amount_paid must be bytes[32], but was {}'.format(type(amount)) assert type(balance) == bytes and len(amount) == 32, 'post_balance must be bytes[32], but was {}'.format(type(balance)) assert type(signature) == bytes and len(signature) == (32 + 32 + 1), 'signature must be bytes[65]' assert details is None or isinstance(details, CallDetails), 'details must be autobahn.wamp.types.CallDetails' amount = unpack_uint256(amount) balance = unpack_uint256(balance) # check that the delegate_adr fits what we expect for the market maker if market_maker_adr != self._market_maker_adr: raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.unexpected_marketmaker_adr', '{}.sell() - unexpected market maker address: expected 0x{}, but got 0x{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, binascii.b2a_hex(self._market_maker_adr).decode(), binascii.b2a_hex(market_maker_adr).decode())) # get the key series given the key_id if key_id not in self._keys_map: raise ApplicationError('crossbar.error.no_such_object', '{}.sell() - no key with ID "{}"'.format(self.__class__.__name__, key_id)) key_series = self._keys_map[key_id] # FIXME: must be the currently active channel .. and we need to track all of these if channel_oid != self._channel['channel_oid']: self._session.leave() raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.unexpected_channel_oid', '{}.sell() - unexpected paying channel address: expected 0x{}, but got 0x{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, binascii.b2a_hex(self._channel['channel_oid']).decode(), binascii.b2a_hex(channel_oid).decode())) # channel sequence number: check we have consensus on off-chain channel state with peer (which is the market maker) if channel_seq != self._seq + 1: raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.unexpected_channel_seq', '{}.sell() - unexpected channel (after tx) sequence number: expected {}, but got {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._seq + 1, channel_seq)) # channel balance: check we have consensus on off-chain channel state with peer (which is the market maker) if balance != self._balance - amount: raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.unexpected_channel_balance', '{}.sell() - unexpected channel (after tx) balance: expected {}, but got {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._balance - amount, balance)) # FIXME current_block_number = 1 verifying_chain_id = self._xbrmm_config['verifying_chain_id'] verifying_contract_adr = binascii.a2b_hex(self._xbrmm_config['verifying_contract_adr'][2:]) market_oid = self._channel['market_oid'] # XBRSIG[4/8]: check the signature (over all input data for the buying of the key) signer_address = recover_eip712_channel_close(verifying_chain_id, verifying_contract_adr, current_block_number, market_oid, channel_oid, channel_seq, balance, False, signature) if signer_address != market_maker_adr: self.log.warn('{klass}.sell()::XBRSIG[4/8] - EIP712 signature invalid: signer_address={signer_address}, delegate_adr={delegate_adr}', klass=self.__class__.__name__, signer_address=hl(binascii.b2a_hex(signer_address).decode()), delegate_adr=hl(binascii.b2a_hex(market_maker_adr).decode())) raise ApplicationError('xbr.error.invalid_signature', '{}.sell()::XBRSIG[4/8] - EIP712 signature invalid or not signed by market maker'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) # now actually update our local knowledge of the channel state # FIXME: what if code down below fails? self._seq += 1 self._balance -= amount # encrypt the data encryption key against the original buyer delegate Ed25519 public key sealed_key = key_series.encrypt_key(key_id, buyer_pubkey) assert type(sealed_key) == bytes and len(sealed_key) == 80, '{}.sell() - unexpected sealed key computed (expected bytes[80]): {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, sealed_key) # XBRSIG[5/8]: compute EIP712 typed data signature seller_signature = sign_eip712_channel_close(self._pkey_raw, verifying_chain_id, verifying_contract_adr, current_block_number, market_oid, channel_oid, self._seq, self._balance, False) receipt = { # key ID that has been bought 'key_id': key_id, # seller delegate address that sold the key 'delegate': self._addr, # buyer delegate Ed25519 public key with which the bought key was sealed 'buyer_pubkey': buyer_pubkey, # finally return what the consumer (buyer) was actually interested in: # the data encryption key, sealed (public key Ed25519 encrypted) to the # public key of the buyer delegate 'sealed_key': sealed_key, # paying channel off-chain transaction sequence numbers 'channel_seq': self._seq, # amount paid for the key 'amount': amount, # paying channel amount remaining 'balance': self._balance, # seller (delegate) signature 'signature': seller_signature, }'{klass}.sell() - {tx_type} key "{key_id}" sold for {amount_earned} - balance is {balance} [caller={caller}, caller_authid="{caller_authid}", buyer_pubkey="{buyer_pubkey}"]', klass=self.__class__.__name__, tx_type=hl('XBR SELL ', color='magenta'), key_id=hl(uuid.UUID(bytes=key_id)), amount_earned=hl(str(int(amount / 10 ** 18)) + ' XBR', color='magenta'), balance=hl(str(int(self._balance / 10 ** 18)) + ' XBR', color='magenta'), # paying_channel=hl(binascii.b2a_hex(paying_channel).decode()), caller=hl(details.caller), caller_authid=hl(details.caller_authid), buyer_pubkey=hl(binascii.b2a_hex(buyer_pubkey).decode())) return receipt